Apple OS

Apple OS

Mac OS X will end soon as Apple will redefine its OS and will use the app-centric user experience model to attract more user as the iPhone was successful.

What advantages and features will OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion introduce that will stand out from previous OS?

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I am failing to open PDF files in Safari or Firefox. When I click on any link that open in PDF format, I get only a dark screen.

I have Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I tried saving the document but it says that it can't be exported.


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Hello techyv,

I downloaded Façade Game, but it stops at the red curtain loading screen. What should I do now? How can I play this game?

  • 3 answers
  • 21 votes

I have an iMac that has a USB printer connected in it. I can print fine in that iMac using the connected printer but the problem is when I'm using the printer from my other computer. I have set the configuration to allow everyone to use the printer. What could be the solution for my problem? Are there configurations I've missed?


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Harmony links provides the power of logitech's line of universal remotes into an ipad or iphone,explain more on this feature's mechanism i.e how is it possible and the way it works?

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I use Mac OS X version 10.4 and I want to make a back up my Mac to a hard drive.

I know that I can use backup system Apple's Time Machine, but this system is available for Mac OS X version 10.5 and above.

How to back up Mac to a hard drive?

  • 2 answers
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Is anyone having the same problem? I'm trying to export a video in OSX Lion to either 480, 720 or 1080 but it only exports the audio file. After the export the file is in .mov format but when I play it, the file shows nothing, only an audio is played. Before I have a Lion update, I can export videos just fine. How can I resolve this issue?

  • 1 answers
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It is great to know that Apple released its new update Apple iOS 4.3.2.

What are the major changes made by Apple after several issues happened?

  • 2 answers
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Users of Mac are being been urged to be certain that they have applied Apple's latest Java update and install an anti-virus subsequent to a new trojan targeting OS X. What type of damages will this virus do to OS X after it gets into the system?

  • 1 answers
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After running the flashback removal tool, how will I know that the flashback malware is fully deleted in my computer?

  • 2 answers
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