Batch scripting

Batch scripting

Hello guys,

Today I came here to get a solution or answer from you. By
searching internet I found out that in the past people used to use batch files to automate their works. I think it not have got that old to be of no use. I want to learn batch line commands. So if you can get me the locations specifically where I can get the perfect resources to learn this batch line command than it will be more than great for me. Please help me.

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I have been using a lot of bat files in my projects but right now some audit is going on to check the flow I need a bat file flow editor to maintain the flow is it any tool available for to measure the flow where they are used

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I have been assigned a task that to create desktop index export import batch first of all I don’t understand the term desktop index export import please explain about this and also suggest some way how to do it ?

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I have been working with some batch files now I want to create a batch file which copy text from another file and compare to other files so if somebody have some solution over it please revert and please mail your suggestion with a subject line batch copy compared file.

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Hi Experts,

I am new to Pure Basic and no expertise in it. I want to create PDF files in Pure Basic. Please someone help me to know how to create pdf in pure basic?


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Hi all,

Is it possible to make cursor auto movements and save it into batch file, the purpose is to run it randomly during non activity so that my Laptop does not go into sleep mode?
Many thanks.
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I am making a MSN chat bot and I want to add voice chat to our rooms only, So members can voice in each room. I want to connect directly the member to voice server when members enters the room. I am unable to find sample script. Kindly tell me If you know how to do write msn chat room bot scripts please.


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How do I write code to implement an auto run batch tool for my removable disks in order to enable an automatic upload once I load my removable to a machine?

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I need the simplest self killing exe in delphi. What I have right now contains a batch file so that the EXE file removes itself. I wanted to remove this batch file. Are there any other ways?

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I've programmed a little batch script that asks (in an alert window) the user to click on OK or Cancel. I'd like to automate this, so I can auto answer all the alert windows. E.g. I'd like the OK button to be automatically pressed when the window pops up.

Any suggestions? Preferably in Batch or VBS.

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