Batch scripting

Batch scripting


I want to about the batch files, like how to create windows placement using batch file. Please help me on this issue. I am using batch files.


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Since 2 days, I have been trying to do some reading and writing to serial port on my cRIO, but each time, while trying to do so, I get an error. The screenshot of the error is attached as under:

"Error -1073807343 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in
Visa Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi-> Basic Serial Write
Possible reason(s):
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location
information or the device or resource is not present in
the system."

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Hi everyone,

Can anyone tell me the syntax to write in server. xml file of Tomact Server to add host entry? How do i load a properties file?


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Hi friends

Can anyone tell me how to write a batch script to display progress counter for the file.

I have written few scripts before but i never came across the progress script.

Please help me to write script.


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I need help in creating a batch file that would search for a file on my hard drive and would permanently delete the file when it is found.

Would it be possible to display a message such as “file successfully found and deleted” if it has succeeded in the task?

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I have a computer which runs on windows XP and I am looking to use a script either VBS or batch in order to find out what devices are active at that instant. The structure of the code should be something similar to this IF the Printer is plugged In:

Show Dialog: Your HP Printer is plugged in.

ELSE: Do nothing.

Anyone who has the knowledge in this field please help.

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In using a duplex layout, the automatic prompt is showing total number of pages, when I use 'SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES'. It also displays “terms and conditions”. I don’t need the page numbers shown. What is the best step on these concerns?  Please assist. 

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I’m using Project A to transfer the information from Project B. The “XAML” of Project B can be viewed through Project A.

Then, I made some updates on Project B.

I want to refresh the list box on the Project A using MVVM.

Can anyone help me on how to do that?

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I wrote a batch file that could open a Telnet Session. How do I modify  the batch file to automatically  set my  login user name and password  so that I don’t have to type my username and passwords every time I want to login into the session?

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Dear All,

A complex situation has occurred in my working environment.

My organization use two servers for different applications, one server is windows 2008, and the other server is on UNIX.

I work most of the times with the win 2008 server, and due to frequent travels I am allowed to access this server via Remote desktop connection, through my laptop which is on win 7, within our corporate secure wan.

Recently due to some emergency, I have to access the unit system too remotely, and for this purpose I use the TELNET option.

  • 1 answers
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