Batch scripting
I use Internet Explorer for internet browsing. Recently I have faced script error problem in my Internet Explorer browser. I tried to solve this problem many times but I failed.
Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on the page.
Line: 327
Char: 3
Error: Object required
Code: 0
- 3 answers
- 0 votes
Hey guys,
Was trying to process a script and am sure I have all the privileges to access the file but the script editor fails and I get this error message:
Script Editor
Could not acquire script lock.
The current user does not have necessary permissions to make an update (including getting/releasing locks).
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I have a Question about batch file in Windows XP.
- 1 answers
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Two computers are connected with each other through DB25 connectors. If one computer has sent the data 0x240d to other computer then what value would be received from the other computer?
- 1 answers
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Sorting of directory listing in Command Prompt.
I am using the Command Prompt to display the list of my files in Windows Explorer is vulnerable to MALWARE.
What I want to happen is to display my direct listing in descending order without adding the parameter /O-D.
I want to just type the command DIR, and it will automatically display the file listing into descending order.
Please help.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I try to run a batch file with a file extension ".BAT". This is a very long batch file that I’ve seen from the net. I want to test it on my computer. This is “Bubble sort” batch file.
Here is the full batch file code that I copied from the net.
- 2 answers
- 1 votes
Can someone help me create a DOS Batch file to move subfolders and files inside using robocopy "Robust File Copy".
The scenario goes this way:
I have a folder in c:rootfolderaa1bb2subfolder, now I want to move the bb2 folders including the subfolder to a new location. The location would be d:destionationfolderaa1.
However there are some folder inside the aa1 that are not to be included in the move and the bb2 folder name should not be constant.
The name should be updated everyday meaning that every day the bb2 folder should have a different name from the other day.
Is this possible?
Please provide me the batch script for this.
- 1 answers
- 21 votes