I want to ask about the CL programming and As400. I’m new user of Cl and I want to create a new program in CL using commands. So what is called menu and where from I need to offer the values which is exact according to the application? And where I have to store the database files in whether in the As400 and direct in CL commands?
Please suggest me the best method that will help me very much..
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
How do you allow the remote MySQL server to be opened via a simple C# application?
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi all,
I am working on gridview control in c++. I have used datasource to build the grid in aspx page. But the alignment i am not able to fix . Please check the following images.
In below grid view, Exception Type column is extending the space with its value.
Please provide me the solution.
Thanks In Advance
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Dears, I am using Visual Studio from few days it is working properly but it is not working when I am trying to debug any code then given error appear according to my point of view this error is due to a missing file. And I think this is due to virus please tell me clear is this error due to a virus or some reason.
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
When I write code in Visual Studio and trying to debug it then I receive given error after it I remove my code and then I take code from internet and try to debug that code but same error appear again please tell me why this error appear and tell me its solution.
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition
There were build errors. Would you like to continue and run the last successful
Yes No
Thanks for providing help
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Anyone please explain the Caching concept internally which IIS is handling.
Explain the sequences of events which happens from button press in the Client window and request reaches to IIS.
How the Caching is maintained?
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi dear,
I am doing work in Visual Studio.Net Framework but I am receiving one error due to that error I can’t do work please tell me its solution why I receive this error and how can I remove this error.
Very Urgent Please.
Microsoft Visual Basic
Visual Basic compiler is unable to recover from the following error:
System Error &HC00000fd&
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hi all,
I want to convert an XLS file to XML file automatically.
i am doing this by using manual method like in this code.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I am making a complex application of image processing in Visual Studio 2010.
I want to have a layering effect in my Application just like in Photoshop.
Just like this, so that users can click on each layer and edit it accordingly.
Do I have to create a new User control or it is possible to do this with predefined control of Visual studio like Picture Viewer?
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I am using Visual studio 2010 and i have installed SAP crystal reports.
I am using crystal report viewer to show reports, one type of reports at a time(which includes multiple pages).
Now the problem is i want to show multiple type reports(Don't confuse it with multiple page report) on a single crystal report Viewer.
I have tried alot- Google it, searching multiple forums etc, but failed.
Can anyone tell me how can i do this?
- 2 answers
- 2 votes