I already have installed the XML toolkit for iSeries. The website is showing a message that ‘IBM is offering another toolkit to simplify the web service invocation”. According to sources, this new toolkit, the C++ toolkit, allows easy invoking of web service without mastering the SOAP protocol. It provides tools to generate web service client stubs. It also provides the libraries which contains program to manage SOAP messages for sending them over HTTP. Can anyone explain Web service client for C ++ toolkit? How can install it?
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Write a C++ program to calculate the diameter, circumference and are of circle.
Program will take the radius from the user as input. Print all results.
- 2 answers
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Why we use this statement in C++ program?
usingnamespace std;
Does any error occur without it?
- 2 answers
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How many operators are used in C++ language?
Also describe the precedence of operators.
Write a program to show which operator has high precedence.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
What is the difference between int and float data types dealing with numbers in C++ language.
Also write a C++ program to demonstrate it.
- 3 answers
- 0 votes
I need a program in C++ language for calculating the sum of first 1000 integers using while loop. And print the result.
- 2 answers
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Dear experts,
Having installed the iPPOTV software I was unable to open the program and an error message has been shown in the monitor like the image below. While trying to uninstall and reinstall the same message is shown again and again. Please help me so that I can use it properly. Thanks in advance for your kind supports.
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Assertion failed!
- 2 answers
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What is the difference between C and C++?
And also tell me the syntax of for loop?
- 3 answers
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Hello to everyone! Does anyone know how much knowledge do I need in C++ Programming in working and developing a large game just like Diablo 3? Because I wanted to know on how much amount of knowledge is needed in allowing myself to work and develop in this kind of computer programming. I have seen many kinds of good and excellent computer programming books just like “Beginner C++”, but I never saw any other C++ books that are intermediate or advanced in level degree of programming, from this, the only thing that you need to know in developing such kind of program is starting from the basic level of C++ programming. I want to know more about C++ for advanced users. Much help needed and thanks to everyone.
- 1 answers
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How does one print to the "Output" console in Visual C++?
I'm new in C++ and I couldn’t make “Output” Console. I'm confused in printing
(which is recognized by the IDE and will also be without a number) does not result in any.
Can anyone can make a sample program or link so that i be guided.
Thanks a lot…
- 1 answers
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