

I am seeking for information regarding C++ Virtual Destructors and Virtual Constructors.

And what is the need of Virtual Destructors without Virtual Constructors?

And what is the effect of having a Virtual Contractors in class constructor?

Can anyone send some information?

Thank you.

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What is the definition of the following term: new(), delete(), malloc(), free(). Hi, what are the differences between them? In the above terms which is better in the C++ perspective? Please write me with example.

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I was developing a Visual C++ program and tried to install its runtime module, but I got this error message with error number 1935, see below for the screenshot. I have searched the web, but I haven’t found a sound resolution to the problem.

A web said about a missing folder and even a registry-related problem. 

Not sure how to resolve this. Please help!

Visual C++ program runtime module installation error -number 1935,


Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86 Installer Information

Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component

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When i use C++ library on MAC I get run time error and program is terminate. 

Can anyone help me out with this??? Thanks.

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My problem is an error message I’m getting while trying to run Midisport Uno Drivers. Everything else seems to be working fine on my Windows 7 except for this one. The error I’m getting is this: “Microsoft Visual C + + 2005 Redistributable, There is not enough space on the disk.”


Microsoft Visual C + + 2005 Redistributable,

There is not enough space on the disk.

I am open for any suggestions so if you can help please leave a post.


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I tried to install Visual Studio 6 on a Vista OS PC which I really need to do so, but I got this compatibility error message.

I have searched the web but can’t find any answers. Is there a possible workaround for this situation? 

Please help. Thanks in advance.

See below error message:


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Hi Experts!

I was running my program when this error happened. 

Actually, it was the first time that I have encountered such error. 

I have searched the web extensively, but I can’t find any solution.  I would really appreciate a help. 

By the way, I am using Microsoft Virtual C++.

See the error message below.


Microsoft Visual C++

Internal error: (Cannot lock memory).

Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information.

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I have been writing a side scrolling shooter in visual studio with opengl. I draw the level with GL_QUADSTRIP that reads its points in from a .DAT file.

The DAT file looks like this
# level length
# level speed (used for development/testing)
# ground data
0.0 0.0
1.0 0.25
2.0 0.0
#ceiling data
0.0 1.0
1.0 0.75
2.0 1.0

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Some time we find online or anywhere java, c, c++ what is it? C is software or program. c,c++ and java where we can use it. Or Without we can move our pc. I do not know about that subject. It is very interesting for me or new user. It is easy to use or learn?

Please help me to understand about c, c++ and java. Or what kind of program are available in these world?
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If I want to use stringstream in the function of the class,what will the process become?Is it related to public or private?Do data types or header files make any kind of bugs?Need to know the fact with source code or examples.

  • 1 answers
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