How are you? My name is Rizwan. There is question in my mind and I want to get its solution because, I tried my best, but yet not found its answer. Anybody please help me in this case. Kindly explain the storage models of OLAP. My friend sent me its answer, but I am not satisfied from his answer. So please solve my problem as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
- 3 answers
- 0 votes
C++ language is not normal language .I think it is computer program language .
Need to learn C++ language and to do lot of practice . Its very hard for me.
I want to learn this language, but I can not easily this language program .
If anyone know easy process to learn C++ language ?
Please inform me.
- 1 answers
- 1 votes
I'm new to c++ and I want to give characters to variable, but not want use the string command like we do for integers.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main ()
char text[40];
text[40]="i want it like that";
So, is there something like int, char, float or any thing in which I can assign some text value like the above code, which doesn't work. Thank you.
- 1 answers
- 1 votes
Hi there,
I am using windows XP Professional and wants to install the latest Visual C ++ Redistributable package.
For that, I have to uninstall the older one installed on my system.
But unfortunately, when I open start menu and choose control panel and select add remove program and then from there, try to uninstall Visual C + + Redistributable 2005, it gives the following error.
Windows Installer
The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed.
This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed.
- 1 answers
- 20 votes
Can anyone guide me about the concepts of inheritance and multiple inheritances?
I am waiting for the complete solution.
Please explain in detail.
- 5 answers
- 1 votes
I want to write a program that will display the number of even, odd and zero values in an array. The issue is that ,whenever I enter values in array, C++ compiler doesn’t show the result and finishes the output box. Is there any solution for this?
Thanks friends.
- 7 answers
- 2 votes
I am learning to code with C++. I was wondering if I can return multiple variables from a C++ program, instead of declaring as global, if possible. Suppose I have a function that works on 3 integers; do some process on them, I want 3 of them to be returned.
- 8 answers
- 23 votes
Hi there,
I am very much interested in open CV and recently started to code with it too. But unfortunately, I don’t see much of a tutorial for my level. So it is becoming difficult to continue. I am struggling with the very basics. Not all the functions are compatible with every release. Can you find me a 'hello world” type tutorial where I can get started?
- 7 answers
- 23 votes
Hi there,
I recently got my hands on image processing. I am using opencv. It is interesting, but the problem is I am used to coding with codeblocks IDE.
It is a free IDE. But the openCV installer I downloaded, OpenCV-2.1.0-win32-vs2008; seems to be for working with Visual Studio 2008 only. Is there any way I can use it with codeblocks and mingw?
- 8 answers
- 23 votes
I have taken an assignment on C++ which at first glance looked very simple. Just multiply 2 numbers! The teacher smiled at me. But now I realized why!
The numbers I have to handle are more than 30 digits. So I won’t be able to just use * !
Looks like I am in big trouble. How do I do such big number multiplication in C++.
- 6 answers
- 24 votes