


How are you? My name is Rizwan. There is question in my mind and I want to get its solution because, I tried my best, but yet not found its answer. Anybody please help me in this case. Kindly explain the storage models of OLAP. My friend sent me its answer, but I am not satisfied from his answer. So please solve my problem as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance.

  • 3 answers
  • 0 votes


C++ language is not normal language .I think it is computer program language .

Need to learn C++ language and to do lot of practice . Its very hard for me.

I want to learn this language, but I can not easily this language program .

If anyone know easy process to learn C++ language ?

Please inform me.

  • 1 answers
  • 1 votes


I'm new to c++ and I want to give characters to variable, but not want use the string command like we do for integers.

#include <iostream.h>

#include <conio.h>

void main ()
char text[40];
text[40]="i want it like that";



So, is there something like int, char, float or any thing in which I can assign some text value like the above code, which doesn't work. Thank you.

  • 1 answers
  • 1 votes

Hi there,

I am using windows XP Professional and wants to install the latest Visual C ++ Redistributable package.

For that, I have to uninstall the older one installed on my system.

But unfortunately, when I open start menu and choose control panel and select add remove program and then from there, try to uninstall Visual C  + + Redistributable 2005, it gives the following error.

windows installer error

Windows Installer

The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed.

This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed.

  • 1 answers
  • 20 votes


Can anyone guide me about the concepts of inheritance and multiple inheritances?

I am waiting for the complete solution.

Please explain in detail.

  • 5 answers
  • 1 votes


I want to write a program that will display the number of even, odd and zero values in an array. The issue is that ,whenever I enter values in array, C++ compiler doesn’t show the result and finishes the output box. Is there any solution for this?

Thanks friends.

  • 7 answers
  • 2 votes


I am learning to code with C++. I was wondering if I can return multiple variables from a C++ program, instead of declaring as global, if possible. Suppose I have a function that works on 3 integers; do some process on them, I want 3 of them to be returned.

  • 8 answers
  • 23 votes

Hi there,

I am very much interested in open CV and recently started to code with it too. But unfortunately, I don’t see much of a tutorial for my level. So it is becoming difficult to continue. I am struggling with the very basics. Not all the functions are compatible with every release. Can you find me a 'hello world” type tutorial where I can get started?

  • 7 answers
  • 23 votes

Hi there,

I recently got my hands on image processing. I am using opencv. It is interesting, but the problem is I am used to coding with codeblocks IDE.

It is a free IDE. But the openCV installer I downloaded, OpenCV-2.1.0-win32-vs2008; seems to be for working with Visual Studio 2008 only. Is there any way I can use it with codeblocks and mingw?

  • 8 answers
  • 23 votes


I have taken an assignment on C++ which at first glance looked very simple. Just multiply 2 numbers! The teacher smiled at me. But now I realized why!

The numbers I have to handle are more than 30 digits. So I won’t be able to just use * !

Looks like I am in big trouble. How do I do such big number multiplication in C++.

  • 6 answers
  • 24 votes

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