I am trying to write a function that cuts a sentence to its words. And print them back words. I have been doing something like this:
- 6 answers
- 25 votes
I want to make a software that scans an Image (admission form) and identifies the Text within its fields. And puts them in some File. I am doing this in C++. I have some little experience with opencV but not as much as is required to do the OCR thing. So I realized a solution. Call an external Command Line tool which converts an image to text. Then my program just needs to fetch the required data from the text file. Its kind of funny I believe, I don't actually know if I have any other options in hand. So my question is:
"Is there any API sort of thing that can be called from my program to convert an image to text?"
- 5 answers
- 26 votes
Write a program that declares a structure, to store data of a student. The program should define a structure variable, input the values and then display these.
- 7 answers
- 24 votes
I am new to programming with OOP C++. And I have an issue understanding. I need to work on a program with Constructors and destructors. Guide me with the detail concept of Constructors and destructors in classes. Can someone guide me on how to do this with OOP C++?
- 8 answers
- 14 votes
How can we access the array elements? I am working on loops but there is a problem in the code, every time I have to initialize “I” to the next value when I want to store any value in the array. Is it right way to assign values to an array? Int marks[5]; Int i=1; Marks[i]=5; i=2; Marks[i]=4; If yes then tell me how can I access the values from the array when I want to display the value of specific index?
- 7 answers
- 14 votes
Hi All
I need to write a program that will show the reverse order of an array’s elements.
What will be code for reversing the values of an array?
For example: if array = 5,8,12,19,25
Then program will show the out put as:
Any help would really be appreciated.
- 6 answers
- 16 votes
I need to write a program. It’s very much difficult for me to attempt without any help. Please give me an idea solution to understand how can i solve this program?
This is about to write a program that will display the following menu of a health club:
- Standard Adult Membership
- Child Membership
- Senior Citizen Membership
- Quit the program
The program will take input from the user about the choice selection of above menu and also will take number of months. Then the program will calculate the membership charges for the given number of months as follows:
- 7 answers
- 14 votes
I am a regular user of this informative site and it really helps me out.
I request to all the experts to help me in understanding the concept of Compound Assignment Statement. Please explain definition view as well as its programming.
Waiting for your guideline
Especially programming Guru “MarkJason” I need your help.
- 6 answers
- 12 votes