recently I have been receiving 0x800CCC92 error while trying to retrieve the email. How do I get it resolved?i have not made any changes on my computer.
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My yahoo messenger is only displaying the messenger ID and not the nickname even though I rebooted and upgraded.
Please explain what the issue here is?
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I am trying to sign-in with Garena Messenger Beta but I got this error message:
Garena Messenger
Error Signature
AppName: garenamessenger.exe AppVEr: ModName: unknown
ModVer: Offset: 00000000
I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it back again hoping that it will fix the issue but it didn’t help. And also, I tried running the and get this:
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Recently, I started to receive this issue with working with Yahoo Instant Messaging. The moment I press on the friends list to launch the Messenger, a problem will show up with the information "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."
Here is the image of the error:
Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this page.
Line: 7
Char: 81
Error: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
Code: 0
URL: file:///C:/Program%
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I installed Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3. I keep my system up to date so I installed Internet Explorer Version 9 and updated my Norton antivirus as well. After updating almost everything, I could not access my Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger. It is giving me an error message that says: “You cannot connect to Windows Live Messenger because the service is temporarily unavailable. Error 80488D.” I don’t know what is wrong with the two and I cannot access my emails too. But when I tried to use other browser such as Opera 11.60, everything works well. How can I fix this?
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I got this error message when I try to update my MSN Messenger 6.2. It says “MSN Messenger could not complete setup: 1601 has occurred. Try downloading it from the website.” I get the same message after having done a couple or triple times of deleting and downloading them again from the website as what I have told to do. It is very irritating to have this error. Can anybody help me fix this? I got this error after using MSN for quite some time.
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I have a question about email which,How do i transfer from one email to a new one?
Please reply me soon.
Thanks and regard.
- 5 answers
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I cannot use my MSN Instant Messaging Account with Proteus.
I have been using this service called Proteus IM Application for my MacBook, but now I am having a problem with it. I could not connect my MSN account. It is saying that it’s having connection problems and tells me to try to connect later.
The message is from Proteus Service Error. Does this mean that this Mac IM application is faulty?
What option could I take in fixing this?
Proteus Service Error
Personal is having connection problems
Try connecting again later.
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What’s the reason for not being able to get API links in LinkedIn. I want to be able to post fan pages from HootSuite. I need a dedicated API for our group.
Also, is it possible in HootSuite to track who has retweeted your posts in twitter?
Hope you have answers.
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My younger brother changed my Windows Live Messenger displayed name showing that I belong with other gender and every time I log on into my iPod touch or mobile phone, the name is still in there. Does anyone know how to change it?
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