Hello Everybody,
I can’t understand after installing the downloaded Messenger and running in my PC several times an error still occurs.
How can I resolve this problem in my Windows XP home? Any ideas?
Thanks all.
Error message:
"C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsRecentX.lnk"
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hello Experts,
I recently encountered this error with no idea because some of my colleague just directly used my PC without permission.
I tried to scan it with Panda antivirus and detected some virus then try to quarantine it because that is the only option.
After I do restart my PC and start the chatting using Mirc the error appears again.
Please give me an advice with these! Thanks experts!
Error displays!
Error in memory block: #A5487F.
- 2 answers
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Hello Techyv,
I don’t know what happen after my kid used my PC. Something happen in my ICQ that can’t start immediately. I tried to reinstall the software and check the Ethernet connection but same error displays in the screen.
I really appreciated all given solution for this matter.
Thanks techyv!
Error display:
You have disabled direct communication with previous (less secure) clients
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hello Guys,
I am using a program which provides address book, integrated mail etc. to the users of the GNOME desktop and this is evolution. After using it, my system was freeze. And after that, it generated folder list for my inbox. And the status bar shows
Error while generating message list.
I clicked the message an error popped up (error message below).
Please help me to define and solve what is this error.
Evolution Error
Error while Generating message list.
Database disk image is malformed
- 2 answers
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Hi! I am having trouble configuring the Eudora 5.2 for IMAPs.
When I am in the account settings I always get this error (image attached below). I am using 5.2 versions.
How can I fix this error?
I am using Windows XP.
Please give me some suggestions.
Thanks guys.
The IMAP command has failed.
Reason: IMAP connection to server “” has been broken.
- 1 answers
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I am quite skeptical about the security that Skype provides, unlike other instant messengers, I cannot seem to set permanent options to automatically discard previous data and conversation.
Is it really standard to have these data removed upon user log out or is there something that I should be doing to fulfill my requirements?
- 2 answers
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Hi Guys! Last Time I’ve received a notification from MSN that I need to change my e-mail address to continue using signing into the windows Live ™ Messenger Service. Does it really need to change my e-mail address? I’ve using my email address for a long time that’s why I don’t want to change it. Is there a possible way to by pass this error? Thanks.
Windows Live™ Messenger Service Staff <[email protected]
Windows Live ™ Messenger Servi… (Offline)
- 1 answers
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Why is it that my new Acer Aspire 5560-Sb410 laptop is stuck for several hours now? I am just installing Config Messenger. I’m sure that I complied correctly to the initial instructions given on setting up this laptop. I’m trying to get an access to Windows 7 but wasn’t able to do so, since the window still showing setup for Config Messenger that is still being installed. I appreciate any ideas regarding this problem.
- 1 answers
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How can I modify the feature in AIM to make it appear longer in which a small window pop up on one side of the screen that contains the title and sender of the email? I would like the popup to last for more than 5 seconds. In which settings can I find the option of making the popup visible longer, system or in AIM settings? I use Windows XP and Windows 7.
- 1 answers
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I am trying out this Beta CWA to publish a raw category for a user.
<cwaRequests sid="96" xmlns=""><publishRawCategories rid="1"><rawCategory name="gpsLocation" instanceMask="0" version="4" container="200" expireType="static"><gpsLocation>17</gpsLocation></rawCategory></publishRawCategories></cwaRequests>
- 1 answers
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