

My yahoo messenger doesn't display any IM.

I cant even view my offline messages.

I have followed the instructions to troubleshoot it and reinstalled yahoo updated messenger.

But it still doesn't work.

Please tell me what to do?

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Hello fellows,

I met an issue yesterday when I installed new MSN messenger on my machine.

Windows 7, 64 bit operating systems. The error message was " Error 80048820"

Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger

We can't sign you in to Windows Live Messenger

Signing in to Windows Live Messenger failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again.

Error code: 80048820


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I was living in Malaysia for 6 years.  I was using my MSN without having any problem.  Now, I just moved back to my home land and was trying to log-in to my MSN, but it has been blocked.  It asked me to log-in from the place where I used to log-in.It was asking me to reset the password through cellphone number.  Currently, I am unable to receive call and sms from that cellphone number just because of the deactivated roaming services.

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My Yahoo Messenger was working correctly until last night. I have been receiving error messages since last night. It says that i have keyed in wrong user ID or wrong password.

I have tried with some other computers, and I can log-in there. At the same time I can sign-in to my Yahoo mail from the same computer.


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Need help on this guys. My Yahoo Messenger ID is sending messages with links to all my contacts without my knowledge. Sometimes I am not even signed in to Yahoo Messenger but my friends would tell me that they are receiving instant messages from me. Is it possible that my email address was compromised?

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I am traveling to China now. Here in China I can't access Facebook directly. As a result, I can't see my Facebook updates, messages and comments. I heard that I can link my MSN account with Facebook from where I am. I have just logged in to my MSN account and could view all the updates and messages in Facebook, and make a reply. So, do you have any idea on how can I link my MSN account with Facebook, so that I can use Facebook through MSN in China?

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My husband and I are working here abroad.  We only have one computer.

My husband wants to work with me online at the same time.

I would like to know if it is possible to open two Messengers so we can log two different accounts.

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For the past few days, I was unable to use Yahoo chat rooms with my ID. I think my Yahoo ID blocked my IP.  Please give me some ideas on how to remove my IP from Yahoo black listed IPs.

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I use XP SP3. I have a Messenger Live Version 2009. I installed  the latest version but had an error. I just really want to know how to install or upgrade to latest version.



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Several days ago, a friend of mine said that I just sent out a spam message to him. I discovered that my Yahoo Messenger has been sending spam messages on its own. I already uninstalled and re-installed my Yahoo Messenger yet it is still sending spam messages.




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