I got this error when someone booted me in Windows Live messenger.
Windows Live Messenger
Sorry, we were unable to sign you into Windows Live Messenger 8.0 at this time. Please try again later.
To let us try and troubleshoot the problem, click the Troubleshoot button.
Error Code: 80048820
Extended Error Code: 8004816
Is it possible that when users booted you in chat windows, the program will be corrupted?
After the user booted me, I can no longer sign in the Windows Live Messenger. The error popped -up on the screen.
- 2 answers
- 20 votes
I have a problem with my Yahoo Messenger. Whenever I chat, my nickname and everything that I write did not show up in the chat window. Whenever someone tried to chat with me, there are no typing or writing being shown up in the chat window.
At first, I thought the colors of the font was accidentally set to white. So, I went and checked it, but it's not the case apparently. I tried to remove Yahoo Messenger and reinstalled it, but still no such luck. I tried to install the latest version, but the problem still exists. Some of my friends told me that it was probably infected with virus. Another friend told me that it was probably something to do with corrupted flash player.
- 3 answers
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I am encountering an issue with Yahoo! Mail. The error message is
Sorry, Unable to process request at this time — error 999.
It says that my request couldn't be processed at this time and that I should try again later.
- 2 answers
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Hey there!
My name is Mia Cruise. I have updated Yahoo! Messenger from version 9 to version 10. 0. 0. 125-us. After the first few months of installation, I don’t see bugs with it. Also, I feel fine using it.
But recently, I closed Yahoo! Messenger abruptly and I encountered an error message specified on the attached file. I can still use Yahoo messenger . It was also okay when I closes it. But when I exit the application in the system tray, I still encountered the error. It says something about flash. OCX.
Program Compatibility Assistant
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- 20 votes
Yahoo Messenger 10 has lot of issues. I have been using older versions of Yahoo Messenger for the past years with no problems at all. But lately, my Yahoo keeps on freezing and sending alert box with error like this:
Yahoo Messenger is not responding
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem. If you close the program, you might lose information.
Then it gave me three options: to check for online solution, close the program or wait for it to respond. Neither of the two has an effect. The error still continues.
- 3 answers
- 21 votes
Hi there!
I was using mIRC to chat on IRC client. Now, a message popped-up saying that I have consumed my free 30-day trial, so have to buy it for further usage. I was wondering if there are some open sources folks out there who shout about freedom.
- 7 answers
- 20 votes
I am not so familiar with IRC. I have to work on it for my next project. So I need to figure it out quickly. As far as I know, it is a chat system based on the internet. But I am confused about creating accounts.
- 8 answers
- 20 votes
Hello everyone!
I am Mileskane. I am using a Nokia mobile phone model no:5233. There is a FaceBook login option in it. It's very good but there is a problem: I can login to FaceBook but I can't chat with my FaceBook friends. There is no chat option. It's the main problem in my mobile FaceBook. I can't chat with my FaceBook friends from my mobile phone. It's a very disgusting matter for me. I tried to solve this problem but I can't find any chat option. So the question is: "How can I do chat from my mobile FaceBook?" Please give me a solution very quickly.
- 3 answers
- 14 votes
HI every one,
I am jamesloper,i have been suffering a problem for 3 month.I have a SYMPHONY mobile phone. Their have a Skype software but i can't use it.I have a Skype account but i can't login my Skype account from my mobile phone.I want to video call from Skype account.I use the internet connection from my mobile phone but i can't use Skype.It's very painful for me.I want to use Skype from my mobile phone.I don't understand which way i can solve this problem."So i want the solution about this problem".please give me solution as soon as possible.
- 1 answers
- 23 votes
I am jackpol,
I have a SYMPHONY mobile phone. I use internet from my mobile phone. Their have Yahoo Messenger but i don't login my yahoo messenger. Mobile show me a message " login failed your messenger". So i can't use my Yahoo Messenger but i want to login Messenger & chat with my friend. I don't understand this problem.
What can i do now? It's very painful for me i have a internet connection but i can't chat with my friend from my messenger. So my questions is " I want to login my yahoo messenger & chat with my friend".
Please give me a solution very quickly.
- 2 answers
- 23 votes