

Hello fellows,

Yesterday I accidentally deleted my business partner’s message including all the attached important files. How to recover deleted sent Facebook message? I was so worried that I cannot get it back, so I decided to post here in maybe you could help me fix this issue. Give me some tips to recover all the files I have deleted.

Your help will be much appreciated.



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Hi fellows,

I have a problem about the full list of chat emoticons on Facebook. I cannot seem to find the full list, the Facebook is always updating the chat functionalities and I am kind a confuse on how it goes by this time. It would be better if you can give me the step by step process. Your help will be much appreciated.

I need your help guys.

Thank you.

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Hi guys.  I'm new to Google+ so please bear with me.  I'm migrating from Facebook to Google+ for social networking.  How do I send private message plus?  Would other people see my message? The UI is much more different than Facebook so please do help.  Thanks.

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My Logitech microphone messenger seven is not working; I can hardly hear any sound. Can someone out there tell me what to do to make it work? I tried installing the driver but nothing happened. Do you have any idea what seems to be the problem, and what should I do to put an end to it?

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Hello guys,

I have iPhone5 and want to send a 20mb video file into Samsung galaxy S3 Android phone. I tried with Skype, E-mail, Bluetooth and YouTube Ended with disappointment. How do I send large files from the iPhone? I would be very grateful if you give me an appropriate solution. 

Thank you.

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Hello fellow members. I’m not able to use Hotmail and yahoo messenger. I don’t know what is happening with my laptop. Should I uninstall current window or what?

When I try to install those programs(yahoo and MSN) shows error. Please help me I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

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I am away from home most of the time  and the most convenient way for me to communicate with my family is through the available messengers we have online.

There are the Yahoo Messenger, Skype, MSN and the likes. I tried several times using Yahoo Messenger and Skype and it did work perfectly, though there were times when the line or sound was choppy but not that frequent. I also did try MSN but with this I found it hard because I often have MSN Voice trouble.

The thing is sometimes my own sound is not audible or the person I am talking to does not hear me at all. I am not sure if the problem is on my part or of the person I am talking to. Anyone can shed a light on this one? 

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Hi there!

I have a 14 year old kid and I have gotten him an iPhone to aid him in his research and studies. I have read on the internet of KIK and I checked his iPhone and realized that he is a regular user. I have not seen anything wrong so far but the fear instilled by the reviews I read made me freeze. Can someone tell me how to monitor KIK so that my boy cannot use it in a manner that might prove detrimental?

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Hi guys,

I am a windows 7 user and I am interested in developing an internet relay chat service. What I am looking for is a quality IRC daemon server which is preferably C++ based and that I can install and operate on windows 7. The server I am looking for should be lightweight and free from known performance issues.

Please recommend a good choice and where I can find it, thanks guys.

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Hallo people!

I am using Igo Incognito as my instant messenger application. I would like to get all the chat information and delete them since I want someone else to begin running my account without being privy to the previous chat messages. How can I get them and delete everything without deleting the saved contacts? Further, is there a way to apply parental control so that the minor cannot access some specific features? Thanks big time.

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