Community Support
I am starting a blog network and I want to know some tips on creating a unique one to maintain and keep it working. Can anyone help?
- 2 answers
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Hi everyone! When I click the EarthLink icon it crashes and I get this error. I clicked more details and says Technical Details: connecting.brt. I closed it and restarted my PC and cleaned the system with CCleaner. I have also Eset running in the background in case. I then clicked on the icon and still falls to that error message. I clicked ok and the dialer opened after that I get script errors. How do I prevent the first error I have encountered?
An Error has occurred…
Error Type: Smart Dialer Software Error
The Smart Dialer software has encountered an error.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I tried to write a program in my PIC that was recently erased, and then it showed this error. I tried to read the content of the PIC and I was able to see the program that was supposedly erased before writing a new one in it. It looks like it became read only, how do I change it? I hope my PIC is still useful.
ERROR -> Writing address 0x0001A8
Written : 0xE105 Read : 0xFFFF
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
My Turbine game Launcher got an error message.
I tried uninstalling this and reinstalling it back which caused so much time and still launcher meets an error.
Is there a fix to this problem?
Launcher Error
An error has occurred
Please contact Technical Support with the following information:
System.IO.FileNotFound: File or assembly name 89uk8tii.dll, or one of its dependencies, was not found.
File name: “89uk8tii.dll”
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hi All!
After you log in and select your character you will be loaded to the game, but then this exception message appears.
I have already run the program as an administrator and reinstalled it. It isn’t fixed though!
Can anyone help me?
Angels Online
This program will be terminated because an error occur.
- 1 answers
- 1 votes
This is the screenshot where the error occurred during the game. When I hit the close button, the program close, if I hit debug, it comes up with another error message saying it can’t debug or something like that and then closes. How do I fix this?
Game.exe has encountered a problem and needs to
close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
I was playing LOL then logged of to get something to eat. After that I went back to play again. I was in the middle of the game when it crashed. I tried to log in and this message appeared. I tried the firewall but still it fails to connect. What could be wrong? In between the time I logged of and logged in again there was no one using the computer.
League of Legends
Failed to Connect
Unable to connect to the server. If you have a firewall, it may be blocking the connection. Please refer to your firewall’s documentation. Would you like to retry the connection?
- 3 answers
- 0 votes
I was about to load a game in Platform Masters, when during its loading it got an error message on array overflow. The target array is 32768 bytes but 65536 is needed for the image. Can we increase the Target array to match the requirements for the image? If we could, are there further complications or would it cause instability to the game?
Loading game, please wait.
Fatal error: array overflow
Array overflow has occurred while loading the file:
c:My DocumentsMy programsPlatform MastersPlatform MastersimagesobjectsItemTreasureChest.tga
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
What are the advanced features company added in quality reporter command line 3.2? Also guide me about the price of registration.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I have some friends in Asia. They can not speak English fluently and do not know about the structure of the English language. How is the karaoke as a language learning tool? Will that be effective for them?
- 1 answers
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