CPU Processors

CPU Processors

Please provide some insight into the technology behind vector processors. Could you help me to understand how this technological feat was achieved? How does the vector processor process information and how different is this from conventional processors like the CPU? Are there laptops out there with vector processors and if there are any, where can I get one to buy?

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My computer is hanging again and again. You can imagine the severity of this problem as I have to use Alt+Ctrl+Delete at least 6 times in an hour. There are various softwares running in the background which are not known to me. I opened up the task manager and saw the memory usage. There are several apps which are taking 30% of the RAM usage and I don't know even a single app from those. Please tell me some of the unwanted background applications, which can be closed to increase the CPU performance.

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I am using a Dell Laptop, recently I downloaded an application, through which I can analyze the real temperature of CPU, while it is working, I am just curious to know whether the application is fake, or there is actually some mechanism through which we can actually check the real physical temperature of CPU? 

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I am using HP laptop, recently it is undergoing strange problem, generally it is working smoothly, but undergoing a processing sometime it just have automatic termination, what should i do, to avoid it? Is it something to do with windows update? I have Windows Updates enabled, could this be the reason?

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While I was trying to open a game this error appeared. It doesn’t appear every time but I have some days when I can’t get rid of it and started to be very annoying. Can anyone have some free time to help with this ? What is causing this ?

Thank you !

Failed to get proc address for GetLogicalProcessorInformation (KERNEL32.dll)


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overclocked my Core i3 540 at 4.6 and it runs fine, but I am planning on upgrading it to i5 now. I know the motherboard will contain a SATA3 which is pretty good so I can use my SSD at its maximum performance. Do you think it's worth it or should I just wait for better deals or drops in prices?

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Hi ally,

I give a try to setup my desktop without any help from hardware persons. It went good to some extent, setting and connecting is ok. I am able to boot my system and also getting an error saying processor is not supported. So did I make any mistake in installation? Are any errors in driver installation? Totally screwed, help needed.

The processor detected is not supported.

AMD Phenom™ II X6 1090T Processor.

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I would like to know the details about applying thermal paste to my CPU. When and for how long a period must the paste be applied? After how much interval, be the paste applied again? What effect will it have on the temperature and working of the CPU? Thanks.

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How can I measure real time usage of a GPU? Some of the games I play give me below 60 FPS most of the time.. why do they not give me 100% ? Please let me know..thanks

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Hi, everyone! My friend and I have been arguing about which is better, is it the main amd le 1200 or is it the intel pentium g645? I have the amd le 1200 processor, and my friend kept on telling me that intel pentium g645 is better because it has dual core while the amd le 1200 only has a single core. I really had no idea about this. Can you enlighten me regarding this problem? If the other one is really better compared to amd le 1200, is it better for me to change my processor or is it just okay to stay the same? Please help me. Thanks!

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