Hi folks,
I used PostgreSQL 8.4.1 on a Linux server for a long time and it was running great, but I noticed one day in one of the databases I use, the following problem exists:
An error occurred while performing the operation.
Error: column c.reltriggers does not exist
Position: 190
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I have using Holdem manager for quite some time and seems to working great until one day an error struck me that says:
The following error occurred when trying to open the database. Failed to establish a connection to '
A button appeared, then I clicked OK. After that the database control panel opens. I click on connect, and a message appears: A connection to PostgreSQL could not be made. Would you like to have Holdem Manager attempt to start the service?
I choose Yes, and a message again appears: Holdem Manager has started the service.
- 2 answers
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I bought a brand new computer, running under Microsoft Windows 7 64 bit.
I am trying to install Holdemmanager after downloading the complete setup, getting an error message that states:
Sorry, could not install postgressql.
I even uninstalled it from the control panel and get another set of downloading postgres even previous versions, but it did not work at all and it got stuck somewhere in the installation.
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I am a pgsql user. I had a problem with installing postgres8.1, the error occurs at the 4th step of installation. The error stated is as follows:
Data directory error: The specified data directory is not empty
If you have an existing database with the same major version number, you do not need to initialize a database cluster. If you have an existing database with the same major version you need to backup your old database and create a new one.
- 1 answers
- 20 votes
While I am Installing PostgreSQL, on my system this error message appears on my screen:
Account Error
Invalid username specified: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
While I am working with the configuration screen, that above an error I mentioned pops up. I used the account name postgre and supplied my own password.
- 1 answers
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My problem is all about my installation of postgreSql, there some failures or error that I can't figure out why it fails to run initdb.,And this is the initdb. log: The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "SYSTEM". This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale English_Canada. The default text search configuration will be set to "english".,initdb: could not access directory "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.3/data": No such file or directory. As of now what I did is just turn the UAC off. Stated below is the original text of the error, please help me find ways to solve this. What is the reason for this error? Failed to run initdb: 1!
- 1 answers
- 20 votes
I have a installation problem that says:
This error showed up when I’m on the process of installing postgres 8.3.1. With postgres automatically creating its own user account, the installer show me the error that I have mentioned. I checked on the Task Manager and there are 4 postgres.exe processes that can be seen. This installer makes accounts that can log on locally as a service. This is supposedly not a problem.
I already manually ensured that the account has the privilege in "Local Security Settings", and the account I run PGinstaller belongs to the administrative account. I already deleted all the older ones in the Local Users and Groups dialog.
- 1 answers
- 20 votes
Hello guys,
I am using Ruby under Windows XP 32bit
DB: postgreSQL 8.4, when trying a to get connected I get this message somewhat like this
ruby.exe – Ordinal Not Found
The ordinal 284 could not be located in the dynamic link library SSLEAY32.dll
My idea, but somewhat a sort of a guess is that it seems to be some conflict between the ssleay32 shipped with postgres and the ruby. I understand that I could have gem postgres-pr, but it would be preferable for me to use the ruby-postgres than any other, for I already use this on all my set-ups.
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I am on the process of making codes, while on testing I encountered this error message regarding SQL.
It seems there is a problem with my database that is not running well. I looked into my drive and searched, but didn't find libpq.dll, but I am pretty sure that I have PostgreSQL installed successfully. Because I can use pgAdminIII to manage databases, what came to my mind is that, why is the system looking for a file, while my installation of PostgreSQL is successful, and no error message was posted while installing it? Please help me find why the system is asking me for a file libpq.dll.
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