

I have been using Oracle for my business for quite some time now. Even though I am not an expert, everything was running smoothly until I started getting the error ora 15041 diskgroup data space exhau

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I am new to Oracle and I use it every day for my business. Everything is running smoothly and as expected. One day I was doing my normal transactions and the error occurred ora 39170 Schema expression

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I was upgrading the software using patch. After upgrading, I started receiving the ora 20099 e business suite patch edition does not exist error in the main database. Why is this error occurring? Can

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I recently came across the global theme design in Oracle Apex. There are many different components available, but I cannot understand the use cases for some of them. Can you please explain what is the

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Can I use Big Data for knowing the preferences and patterns of the customers? How much amount of huge data will be required to perform analysis on it? And what are the various tools I can use to work

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I want to launch a new product in the market but before that, I want to know customer’s review about our old products can I apply sentiment analysis? What are the other fields in which sentiment anal

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Primary in this period the increase of the interpersonal database, local web access, wireless, and new technologies thru the training and supervision of enormous data sets an actual and current test t

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I am using a powerful router. Its signal reaches everywhere in the house. But the problem is that the internet speed is much slower than what it is supposed to be. What should I do?

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Sometimes when I use my smartphone to connect to my home WiFi, the smartphone loses its connection immediately. The same happens when I connect to the wifi with my laptop. What may be the possible pro

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In data analysis, all our prediction depends on the data we collected. What if there is a bias while collecting data. Unknowingly we may have collected false equivalence data which may result in the w

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