DB Reporting Tools

DB Reporting Tools

Hi friends

I have some problem to share with you.

Recently I want to create a database event calendar but I am failed to create it please help me.

I want to make a HTML schedule type calendar.

Also send me database event calendar asp sample.


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Can I restore deleted accounts on database schema store? My assistant accidentally deleted a few customer accounts due to computer glitches. Now, I am not sure how to restore it exactly from the database.  Instead of putting back in all the account information back to the system as new accounts or data, I want to know the ways to just put them back with few clicks.


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I have a Siemens MP277 where I log internal DB's then I would like to convert them to an excel file (xls) without copy-pasting.  I'm looking for a program to do the conversion.  I'm looking at Step 7 as my main option.  Can someone teach me how to convert Siemens db to excel using S7?

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Hi all experts,

I am working on a project to produce flowcharts and process flow diagrams. For this project I need a database management screenshot so that I can easily maintain and produce flowcharts depending upon varieties of conditions and situations.

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I am a starter in MySQL Database. I find it very usual and most databases I tried works just the same like MySQL database but I want to clearly know how does really a database works?

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I have some important data in my database and need to extract it immediately to .xls file.

How can I do that?

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I have a lot of data to be stored in database I have to learn about oracle and postgresql sync.

Are there any tutorial sites that can lead me through this knowledge?

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What are some Supported currencies of the software like Download FX Rates XML and where can I download this software?

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I'm using TC (portable ver) on Windows. Most everything is going well, omit for this one job so far. I've made one entry couturier 95,000,000 as deal capital. The syllabus handles this without problems at the dimension of accounting and in all reports object for Reports: Batch type.

Here, when I try to do, the collection identify, I get this: SQL error: arithmetic Exception, numeric overflow or string truncation. Error code -802. Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has occurred. If I undo the collection for this substance, and reenter as a small product, say 9,500,000, the assemblage type estimation entirety satisfactory. Hope you can fix this job.

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Installing CDR Analysis and Reporting (CAR) software on my computer fails and I got an error message, please tell me how to fix this?



Setup was not able to create CAR database. Cannot continue installation. Please see the CAR install log file.

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