Debian Linux
Snowlinux 2 claims to be almost as user friendly as microsoft products. Are there any problems or bugs that counter their claims?
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Hi all,
I have got a problem. I’ve just installed Adobe Photoshop in Linux-Debian.
But whenever I want to run this, an error message appears (see image below). I have re-installed it again, but that didn’t fix the problem.
I’m not really familiar with this, so I need some help here.
Thanks in advance.
Program Error
The program Photoshop.exe has encountered a serious problems and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
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I get the following error message when I refresh the files or folder. I am using ubuntu 10.10
Error while Refreshing folder.Success.
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Need a little help here.
My server went offline yesterday. After doing portscan it turned out that all the ports are filtered :
Starting Nmap 5.00 Click at 2012-06-01 14:28 UTC
All 1000 scanned ports on ( are filtered
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 201.06 seconds
So I figured out it's the firewall. Now I can only start server in recovery mode to access data.
How do I flush Iptables in this case?
I have tried to put "iptables -F" in rc.local and then rebooting, but that didn't work out so far.
any ideas?
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Hi Experts
I found the following error messages when I tried to install Tor and Vidalia in Ubuntu (or Debian). After that I got that they are not playing good together. Please give me a solution. Thanks in advance
Vidalia detected that the Tor software exited unexpectedly.
Please check the message log for recent warning or error messages
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I cannot install Debian on MIPS based cobalt microservers properly. What are the requirements to install Debian on MIPS based cobalt microservers and how to prepare the server?
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After I upgraded Grub and after my laptop restarts, I get a "File Not Found" error and then entered into Rescue mode. I tired to look for a list of files from my /boot partition and attempt to do insmod but is still end up with "File Not Found". What can I do to solve this problem? Do I need to restore the boot loader or reinstall Debian?
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I need the help of some IT professionals and experts here.
Please let me borrow some of your time and help me on this.
What are the steps I should follow in installing the Debian Linux into my PC?
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I make download debian Linux virtual appliance from VMware as a virtual machine. I tried several times to do a configuration of debian Linux virtual appliance but in trying way password setting is a great problem. Help me with my situation .
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I have a problem in Crunchbang. Every time I turn on my computer the time AM and PM is wrong. In BIOS it is correct. I first set the time in hardware clock and after that system clock. But when I turn off the computer every setting is lost.
I don't want to use ntpdate because my computer doesn't have internet connection all the time. Any other ideas? Thank you.
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