I have a micro SD inside an SD adapter. I stick it in my dell dimension 9150 computer and nothing happens I checked 'my computer' and its not there. I tried downloading drivers, but it's no use. I setup windows 7 on my PC.
What I need to do now?
Thank You
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I own an Evo D500 (Hp Compaq.) a few days back it experienced some shock after dropping from a short table. It has since not been able to switch on but beeps twice when you try to switch it on. I am worried that I may lose all my data when the worst comes to worst. Is there a way I can rescue both the computer and the information in the hard disk.
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I have a HP Pavilion Laptop. We took it to a repair man and when he returned it, the computer turned on for a few sessions but now doesn't turn on. It makes the video error BIOS – one long beep and two short beeps. Sometimes it turns on and sometimes it doesn't.
I was wondering if it's a problem with the hardware or not? And if it is, could the hardware be damaged by the repair man playing with the software of the computer or the actual physical pieces (he also removed and re-attached the keyboard).
- 2 answers
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I use Adobe Illustrator, Photo shop and Light room, but my computer can’t always handle the graphics. I will spend about an hour using a program and then it will take forever to load simple things such as a drop shadow when using Illustrator. What type of hardware should I get to help with this problem?
- 2 answers
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I'm using Windows XP standard. I got my computer in 03 for 2 grand… (Dumb choice, I know.) And I need to check my hardware specifications. I mean like EVERY detail. Like the graphics chipset, the RAM type…. etc (Plan on updating comp soon… And I need to check what I can upgrade…)
- 3 answers
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Which of the following features are available in Windows XP?
- 4 answers
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I've got a problem with my desktop PC. Why is it that after a 2 or 3 minutes in used, it will just turn off without even properly shutdown?
- 4 answers
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Hello Dears,
I’m using a Samsung SP2504C 250GB SATA hard disk. It was working fine until last week. But currently it starting to create some noise likes ‘tik tik tik’ and the process gets slower than before. Its passed the warranty 15 month ago, and I’ve heard that it’s the dead end for this hard disk.
So is there any way to repair it.
- 1 answers
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Hey Guys,
I just bought Dell 82801 CPU, overall config of the system is good but the only problem I’m facing is its Front USB Ports are not working and as you all know Front USB ports are very much important any suggestions that how they can be working?
Thanks in Advance.
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I have face some problem to use my computer, some times when i try to on my computer it doesn't work .just showing in the monitor -windows is loading and after some time it just hang. my computer is pentium 4 , 1.7GHz and ram is 512. How can i solve my problem ?
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