There is a problem with the DNS server service restart, and it is giving the error message – Event 4000, The DNS server was unable to open Active Directory. What is the solution to this error message?
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The Active Directory Domain Services is not responding, and I am receiving an error message from it the DNS server is waiting for Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS). How can I resolve this issue?
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Can I use Power Shell convert string to number? I am facing problems while converting a string to an integer. How can I convert a string value to the number using Power Shell Prompt? Give me an example to help me understand better.
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What are the steps for PowerShell add user to group? I want to add a user to a group. How can I add a user to the group using PowerShell?
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What is the cause of the error message please wait for user profile service? It lets me to login as an administrator, but the problem arises when I try login with my local profile.
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I often get an error message while logging in to the Terminal Server 2008 please wait for the user profile service and it stays for more than 2 minutes. Can anyone help to resolve the issue?
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I am unfamiliar with group policy and domains. In different words, I want to know if is it possible to create a group policy without a domain. How to create a group policy without domain.
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I have a windows based DNS server that even after several disconnection refuse to automatically detect the default DNS address in a network. How can I rest this? Is it possible to have multiple DNS addresses for a gateway such that there is continued connectivity in the even of failure? How can I set up such a service?
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Can anyone help with this problem? I repaired my edition of DNS 11.5 using the original DVD repair facility (DNS 11). When I switched on the computer, I was taken through the process of installing a “critical patch” which was the original upgrade to the DNS 11.5. After the patch had finished downloading, the install shield comes up and the computer was inactive for some time.
I got this error message finally” This utility could not find a qualified Dragon NaturallySpeaking product to patch” I have tried severally to apply the patch while Dragon is still open but I am instructed to shut it down which taken time before I receive the same error message. I cannot get support from the Nuance technical support because my grace period expired long ago.
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I have configured TCP port 53 to check which ports are open. However, pinging it returned a "timed out" response. Tried visiting the ip address, "page not found" error. How do I use the Dyndns port checker tool in Windows xp?
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