Document Imaging

Document Imaging

What document system would you recommend for my warehouse that generates inventories most of the time? I will need a basic system that will get me what I want. I am a basic computer user and do not know advanced IT skills.

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I have a JPG image of 4 MB.

I want to reduce the size of this image as much as possible.

How can I reduce the size of this image?

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I have not yet created my website or blog, I just want to put some of my photographs and paintings on Google image. How?

I must be able to remove the Google image in a few months since I renewed my work all the time.

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What are the difference between Certificate in Web Applications Development and Certified Internet Web Certification? Will I be needing the two for Web Development?

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I frequently save interesting information I find on the internet or newsletters, I get through email by copying and pasting them on a new document. These are text and/or graphics which I copy using Ctrl C and pasting it on a new document using Ctrl V. I usually get the text and/or graphics exactly as they appeared in the source. However, when I copied from your website, the text was underscored. When I tried copying the information using “Paste Special” then saving it as .rtf, the text was not underscored but there were no graphics. Can you tell me the best way to save text and graphics exactly as they appeared on your website?

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How to test my website through my paid provider?

I have just finished creating my website and would like to test through my server without publishing but still using my server?

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I have been reading forum posts (including this particular forum) and articles for an hour and still haven't found the solution. So hopefully, someone could shed some light. Lately, my downloads keep stopping halfway through. These include:

1. Getting 'direct' files.

2. Files from upload services like Rapidshare, Mediafire, etc.

3. Streamed media like YouTube, Imeem mp3s, etc.

I've been trying different internet sources like university WiFi connection, hotspots, a friend's wireless modem and my own subscribed connection from data outlets on the wall. I have also scanned my laptop with AVG, Ad-aware and Kaspersky, and it seems to be clean, still the problems persist.

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Hi everyone!

I am writing emails using the Gmail email editor. I want to insert the images directly and not as attachments. I have been looking for this feature but it seems there is none.
Can someone please tell me how I can do this even if it means using other email service  providers? I have also tried Yahoo, but nothing happened. Someone please help me.
Thank you very much.
  • 2 answers
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I would like to put some photos on my page, say in the middle top to bottom and center them. I was able to do it. It looks good.

I have a photo and I put it at the center of the page by placing it at the top of the page. I did it this way: <div align="center"> name of photo<div>
It works. Now, I want my links to go to the left of the page by starting at the top. They say I can use Div also. How?
  • 1 answers
  • 15 votes

I want to download a free (Let me reiterate I mean FREE, like originally free, not the illegal copy) drawing/graphics software. You know, like Corel Draw, Paint Tool Sai, Adobe Illustrator, and other softwares. Here is the catch: they all need Administrator privileges and some, passwords! I cannot access the Administrator for my own reasons.

Anyway, does any of you know a drawing/graphics freeware that doesn't require Administrator rights?

Thanks guys.

  • 2 answers
  • 24 votes

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