Email Servers
What does POP3 and IMAP4 stands for?
What are its relevance in emails and how do these two function?
Are all emails integrated with these two, or only one of them is being used per e-mail type or server?
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Is there a way for me to recall sent messages in yahoomail and Hotmail?
I've accidentally sent a confidential e-mail to some wrong recipients and I wanted to make sure that it would be deleted in their system.
If I cannot recall them, is there some other way to automatically delete those sent e-mails in their inbox?
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Aside from POP3 and IMAP4, are there any other protocols used in regular e-mail clients in retrieving e-mails?
I am just curious. Thank you.
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I installed Exchange 2010 but fail every time when I install any Role with "Process does not possess the SeSecurityPrivilege”. My server is in the Exchange Server group and is in Manage Auditing and Security Log, I use the network administrator to install and have full authority to do so.
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I have a problem with Message delivery restrictions. I have Exchange 2010 SP1 with Rollup Update 5. I have checked “require that all senders are authorized” in one distribution group, but everybody from outside of our organization are still able send to this group. Why?
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I have three online shopping sites that needs to have email servers so my customers and suppliers can contact me in each of my businesses separately. My website is hosted under 1 Linux hosting service but they couldn't agree to what I require. Are there other Linux email servers I can use that fits exactly on what I need?
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How do I configure a Linux mail server with Exchange?
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I am sending out a video file through Gmail but getting an error stating that the file cannot be attached because of it's size. I don't want to resize the file as the video quality might be compromised. Any idea on how I can send it as it is?
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When we email someone it goes to inbox of mail account.
How can I send email in spam folder in Gmail or yahoo and junk folder in Hotmail?
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Hi everybody,
I just compile Trinity core server. After that I try to run my server, but here I got an error message via worldserver.exe. This message is attached below.
I want to get rid of this problem. Any tips?
authserver.exe- Application Error
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00000lb). Click OK to close the application.
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