Exchange Server

Exchange Server

What is the use of securing the xbox 8 name by microsoft ? How it is going to help them in this ? Please tell me.

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I unable to get into make changes on user mailboxes in MS Exchange 2010.

I need a solution for this as soon as possible. The error message that I received is given below.

Initialization failed :

The following error occurred when configuring Help Inks:

Exception calling 'GatStappablecelin' with ;I; argument(s): 'AuthorizationManager check.failed.' Click here to retry

We have Windows server 2008 and MS Exchange 2010.

We did not make any upgrades. I get this error when I try to make changes in one day and now I am getting this error.

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I am getting the following error message in MS Exchange 2010. Has anyone got such an error earlier? We just installed MS Exchange 2010. We got the error when we clicked see options or create new inbox rule. Once we got this error all buttons stopped responding and the page needed to be reloaded. The same thing happened in Safari and Chrome.

The web page is not loading normally too.

It says:

"Please reload the page by refreshing your Web browser

Technical Information: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getElementsByTagName' of undefined

The entire error report is listed below: Hide Report"

Client Information

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Hi everyone,

I’m an exchange server 2003 user. And I’m having exchange 2007 which I will  setup in a different network, and they are not interconnected. I would like to transfer the 2003 mailbox to the 2007 system. I tried to copy the data and then mount it, but this didn’t work. Can someone give an advice on how to resolve this?

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

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I use Microsoft Exchange 2010 with service pack 2. I was initially a SP1 user but recently upgraded my system to SP2.

I have been getting these error messages ever since. I am not able to use my hosting environment properly.

The error messages read that apps like powershell.exe w3p are trying to delete objects.

I’m no longer able to create new users now. Please give your suggestions.

Should I try to create the working environment from the beginning?

Is there another solution?

Please help me.

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My problem is- Exchange 2003 can obtain emails, but not deliver them to exterior domain names. All emails are received at my end, but when I send emails, only interior domains receive them. The ones to be sent out remain in the line. Can you please describe what the actual function of MX record is?

I also need to know the way to set up Exchange with servers like the webmail server, pop, or smtp server for the purpose of sending emails.

I am eagerly looking forward to your kind help.

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Hello All,

Some urgent help is needed.

I thought all was well and good when we moved to over to exchange 2010 last week. Teachers are saying they cannot move or delete emails from their mailboxes come Monday morning.

When we try to delete an email the error is


An unexpected error occurred and your request couldn't be handled.

The entire error report is listed below…. HIDE REPORT..


An unexpected error occurred and your request couldn't be handled."

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The action cannot be completed. the connection to Microsoft exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action

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I am trying to update my Microsoft Exchange 2001 to Microsoft Exchange 2007 SP3.

However, this wild error message, which says there are environment problems detected, appeared:

I re-installed "Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1" but the wild error message showed up again. How can I debug this?



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Hi experts,

I tried using FastBack for Exchange Restore.

However, an error message below keeps showing up:

The error is FBSX7052E which says it is unable to create the recovery storage group.

Can someone help me with this problem?



FBSX7052E Unable to create the recovery storage group.
Error Message from Exchange:
The location specified for the transaction log files is invalid. Please verify that the directory exists and that there are no filed in it.
Parameter name: LogFolderPath

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