Exchange Server

Exchange Server

Hi guys,

I having trouble with my Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer (ExRCA). I tried using Office 365 Microsoft Single sign-on (BETA) tool. However, I keep landing in this error message:

I don't understand what it is trying to say. Can you guys help me with this? Any help is highly appreciated.


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Hi experts,

These past few days, I am trying to upgrade my MS Exchange 2003 to MS Exchange 2007.

I have tried it for several times. However, an error message pop-up when I view the properties of a recipient with spaces in its alias or when viewing the properties of the offline address book.

I don't understand what's happening. Can someone help me how to respond to these error? Thanks!


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Hi experts,

I returned back using Windows XP because it serves me better than Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 (original and R2), and Small Business Server 2008. They are not as user-friendly as Windows XP.

In Server 2008, I'm trying to expand a folder tree in the folder panel via Explorer. For somewhat reason, it treats me badly.

Sometimes, I scroll up randomly so that most of the child folders are off the bottom even if they would have all been visible before scrolling. I'm wondering how to get rid of this. Any idea is highly appreciated. Thanks!


Cannot move file:

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Hi guys,

I'm having trouble using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 so I decided to re-install the software.

During the process, I got this error message below saying Fatal error during installation."

I don't understand what it is trying to say. Can you help me fix this error?



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Hi expert,

I attempted to run a topology information in Microsoft Exchange but I got this error message:

Can you help me fix these errors? I don't know what "Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory" and "Get-OabVirtualDirectory" mean. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!


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Hi experts,

I was trying to accumulate a Public Folder Database on Exchange Server 2007 but I keep getting this error message:

How can I debug this error? Any suggestion would be very much appreciated. Thanks!


Failed to mount database

'Public Folder Database' Public Folder Database Error: Exchange is unable to mount the database that you specified. Specified database: X2007SRVSecond Storage GroupPublic Folder Database; Error code: MapiExceptionAD PropertyError: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x8004005, ec=2418)

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Hello experts,

I am having some log on failures which I think caused by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 on SBS 2008.

I tried to apply Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1.

I created a custom report alert and then copied it into the correct directory.

I restarted the Windows SBS Manager Service but I saw the log on failure in the Windows SBS Console flagged in the Network Essentials Summary under other alerts.

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Hello experts,

We attempted to open ‘Exchange Management Console’ but failed. We got the following error message shown in the image. Please help!


An Active Directory error 0x8007203A occurred while searching for domain controllers in domain nordell local: The Server is not operational.
Name: "Nordell.local"
It was running command 'get-recipient -Resultsize '1000' .SortBy 'DisplayName' -Recipient Type 'Usermailbox'. 

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What permissions do I need when running the Setup.exe/forestep command?

And when should I run it?

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I know that my connection in MS Exchange Server is Ok when I first tried it. But now, when I attempted to connect it, I get this pop-up message:

“Trying to Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server.”

And then sometimes this error: MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED

What can I do to fix this?

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