Exchange Server

Exchange Server

On the various occasions I’ve worked from home, I’ve tried to access my email via the WEBmail thing when I’ve not needed to access files on the server. However, I don’t seem to be able to log onto it. When I type in my domainuser name and my usual password, I get the message that it cannot find a mailbox for ICAland. It then says to contact technical support telling them the following,

“The mailbox may be stored on a Microsoft Exchange 2000 or Microsoft Exchange 2003 server, or the Active Directory user account was created recently and has not yet replicated to the Active Directory site where this Client Access server is hosted.”

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Hi all!

At my work place our Local area Network mail service provider is exchange 2007. My supervisor wants to send an email to a different organization but she is not able to.

This could be so for the simple reason that exchange 2007 does not allow one to send a file larger than 20MB.

I altered the delivery message size in her mail settings but still it did not change.

What else should I do?

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I am an MCSE student, Our department advised us to upgrade from Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.Is this of any use to us? Is there a big difference between the 2003 and 2007 exchange servers? Do I take the department advise or not?

Please advise.

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I have successfully loaded the MS Exchange 2007. The Certificate and ISA server has configured properly. The internal and External OWA is working without any problem. Please see the screen shot. The certificate is not trusted. It is created from Windows. It is installed locally in the computer which runs with Windows Vista where the Outlook has configured.

I will be grateful with any help. Thanks in advance.

Microsoft Office Outlook

There is a problem with the proxy server security service.

The security certificate is not from a trusted certifying authority.

Outlook is unable to connect to the proxy server.

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When I am trying to import certificate to Exchange 2007 or 2010, a certificate error with Outlook 2007 or 2010 is happening.

Please see the screenshot for the error message.

Please guide me to fix the problem.

Thanks in advance.

Security Alert

Information you exchange with this site cannot be viewed or changed by others. However, there is a problem with the site’s security certificate.

The security certificate is from a trusted certifying authority.

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When I attempt to install the Exchange Server 2003 with Win 200 domain an error message is coming which displays that ‘It is not able to contact the Windows Active Directory due to the error occurred in the set up’.

Please help me fix the problem.

Thanks in advance. 

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I am having problems with my Exchange server for Outlook 2007.

This is because no matter how I try, I can’t access the Exchange server for Outlook 2007 while outside the network.

I however can access the Exchange server for Outlook 2007 from within the network with no problem.

I use Exchange 2010 and Client access outlook 2007.

I think there is a need to change some setting since I can access OWA from outlook.

Please assist me.

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What are the 3rd party tool to migrate to Exchange 2010

i need Softwares that can be listed to migrate Exchange 2010

How to migrate to Exchange 2010 with Softwares




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Hi People,

What is best in Exchange 2010

I mean what are the enhancements done in Exchange 2010?

Please list all improvements in 2010

Exchange 2007 compared with Exchange 2010



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Hi All,

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP2 Download?

Where can i download the SP2 for Exchange 2010 

What are the new changes/fixes done in this SP2?

thank you

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