Exchange Server

Exchange Server

A unified messaging language pack is already installed for the culture

This is the error i get while trying to install a language pack


Some controls are not valid

-A Unified Messaging language pack is already installed for the culture 'fr-FR'. -The UM language pack file 'C:SupportUM,Language,' doesn't exist. -No Unified Messaging language pack(s) were installed.

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Hi all,

Exchange 2010 while we are on message tracker. Get the below error message.

Has anyone seen this.?


Microsoft Troubleshooting Assistant

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Hi All,

All was fine and suddenly Exchange 2010 stopped working

I just could get this from Event logs


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Hi Experts,

I have Windows 2008 R2 on it have successfully installed Exchange 2010. I am having issues when i open Exchange Console

Initialization failed

The WinRM Client Cannot Process The Request. It Cannot Determine The Content Type Of The HTTP Response From The Destination Computer. The Content Type Is Absent Or Invalid. For More Information, See The About_Remote_Troubleshooting Help Topic. It Was Running The Command ‘Discover-ExchangeServer -UseWIA $True -SuppressError $True’.


Thanks in advance

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I have installed Server 2008 which previously has Server 2003, after taking the back up of active directory with the NT backup utility. Even though I have done a clean installation, it was not allowed to upgrade. When I am trying to restore the Active Directory in Server 2008, it is getting an error message which says ‘Restore is not supported on this item’. It will be great, if anybody can help me out of this problem.

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Anyone who can help me here? My exchange server where the “Integrated Windows Authentication” in the directory properties of default website is continuously unselected that blocks the PDA from synchronizing. I have this exchange server serving PDA’s through active sync. I am not sure if this is due to a previous occurrence in which the DC was offline.

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I am having a hard time setting up my Exchange server 2003 in the Windows server 2003 enterprise edition machine. 

Does anyone know how to connect the exchange 2003 server to the web mail server because it seems I am getting nowhere near achieving this?

I would appreciate some help.

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We would like to migrate from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007. I know the retention policy works different in these two versions. It is to be required and reminded to those who are having custom folders in the inbox, so we can inform them to move the custom folders one level up to work the retention policy properly.

Any utility or tool available to determine who are having custom folders? Or can the Exchange Management Shell 2007 be used for this? I need valuable assistance to get out this problem.

Thanks in advance.

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At our workplace we have a network with less than ten computers and run an Exchange 2003 server.  We are however running into problems whenever a client logs off because the server stops running. This has taken place a number of times and each time the whole network freezes and fails to recover. I went and did some few changes which include logging USERENV 1058 and 1030. I have also made a few corrections in the registry but these actions seem to worsen the situation as the whole network collapsed. This situation has got out of hand and I would be grateful to find someone to help me contain it.

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In our organization we run windows 2003 SBS SP2 and we also have an Exchange server 6.5 build 7638.2 SP2. We are however experiencing some errors – some mails are not sent to the intended target but instead get redirected to the admin. Can you help me understand why mail intended for a particular user is sometimes sent to a monitoring account in a different domain? I checked the message tracking center and there is no trace of it. Also, the incoming mail fails to appear in the log. We have also deactivated any type of filtering. I have run out of options and would like your help in figuring out this matter.

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