Fedora Linux

Fedora Linux

I'm having trouble installing Epson sx 130 fedora 16 core.  I tried using the scanner via gscan2pdf but it doesn't recognize the scanner.  Is this a software bug?

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 One or more most useful activex controls activex controls be shown for the reason that either: 

1. your present security settings forbid running activex  controls on this page, or 
2. you have obstructed a distributer of one of the controls. Therefore, the page should not showcase rightly. 
The cautioning pop-up opens just when I click on Enlarged tab. The issue has nothing to do with IE security, for the reason that I can open pages with ActiveX controls on them and so. 
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Hello. I have just been fired from a company where I was working as a linux administrator (I did administration there). I am wondering, if anyone of you out there would know about similar jobs in other company, and have a list of salaries, so I can send them my letter?


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My Fedora 16 has encountered a problem. While opening GUI User and Group I received an unknown error message. I have no idea for the unknown error message. Have you any idea for the error message. Please help me to get a remedy of this issue.

Thanks in advance.

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I am using Fedora 10 over my computer system though I am trying to get install Xen. However, VM supervisor is unable to find hyper visor and generates an error message attached as follow.

Error determining default hypervisor


Error determining default hypervisor
Could not populate a default connection. Make sure the appropriate virtualization packages are installed (kvm, qemu, etc.) and that libvirted has been restarted to notice
the changes.

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Using the Ubuntu operating system I have booted fedora 10 twice with perfect configuration settings.

Though still I am facing an error message which causes me to boot the system.

Can you people please guide me I am missing something with the configurations or what?

Error activating XKB configuration.

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Hello experts,

How can I view mkv on fedora? Fedora linux operating system is very popular in the industry of operating systems but I am not good in using this one, I need some assistance from you guys. A clear explanation of the proper procedure on how to view mkv on fedora will help me a lot. Thank you.

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I am using Fedora Linux operating system. I want to convert file .txt to .xls I don,t understand how i convert it if any body know then please help me and guide me about Excel on mac convert text to xls online or by any site from which I can take help.

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I am using Fedora version of Linux operating system. I am facing problem in Linux and netgear wlan stick. it is not working. What should i do ?

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Hi Experts,

I tried to host a website in Linux OS.But it failed. Does anyone know how to get low latency Linux vst host?I am hoping to host this website this week. Can anyone tell me how to resolve the issue. Thanks.



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