File Servers
Hello! I am in a big company who use ILM 2007 which is connected to a SAP system. Yesterday when trying to connect with balancing string (suggested by Microsoft ) we get this error. What could be the best solution to fix this and connect successful? Thanks.
ERP Management Agent Configuration Tool – [SAP/R3]
Application error occurred.
An error occurred while connecting to ERP server.
Max. length for ID/Value exceeded “è…’
Detail >>
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Hi All,
As I was opening accounting program in my computer and importing some files from our server the unexpected error appear that causing me to pause my activity. Yesterday, it was surely operational after updating accounting program but now can’t proceed to import some of my files. I try to restart my computer then log-in to our domain and repeat process of importing but same error appear. Any good suggestion is really appreciated. Thanks!
Error message:
Could not read file. The server terminated the connection.
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I am planning to transfer data from SQL Server 2008 to Teradata 13.10. Is there any available list of migration tips and traps and data type comparisons? So I can review the worth of transferring to another server.
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Hi Techyv,
Should you run the AD on your server or is it recommended that it runs on a different machine? If it needs to be run on a different machine, are there any recommended OS’s that should run it?
I want Server 2003 and then, let’s say, two clients. Do I have to buy the server separately or does it come with the AD?
Thanks Carol.
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I have a Lotus Domino that is successfully running in our company and I want to upload some documents. The simplest way I can find is to have template of the Lotus Notes document library. Does anyone have any comments on Domino Wiki, DocPublisher or Doclibrary? I could explain this database to an intranet portal. Are there solutions which are ready to use for Lotus or is it easier to use Wordpress or Drupal?
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Can I connect to a Internal Server found on the domain using the Web?
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How can I check when our servers were last patched?
I tried using the var, log, and yum but they do not show complete information.
Are there any other ways to check the satellite server?
Thank you very much for your expert advise.
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How do I install Exchange 2007 to a Windows Server 2003? My computer has Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU [email protected] 2GB of RAM
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I recently installed on SBS 2011. Now, I am having trouble in accessing the web. The application is viable on the internal web. However, it cannot be accessed in the internet. A notification error says that MS site for SharePoint doesn't exist. How can I solve this problem?
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I have a many PC on our office time to time when do printing we save our files to USB and bring it to our computer server which the printer connected. Is there a way we can print individually without server permission? So that there will be no hassle on our part?
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