FTP Clients
I always get the error: Response 150 everytime I try logging into an FTPS server, what is causing this and how can I avoid this?
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How does FTP work? Which is better for downloading files, FTP or HTTP? Please help me with my queries.
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Hi fellow users,
I will be grateful if anyone can suggest me any solution with this problem i have been facing with the filezilla server. I installed the filezilla server on my PC where my OS is Windows XP.
The main objective is to make a backup of my configuration on a Cisco ACS. After the creation of my Username and password on the filezilla, I also gave related information on my ACS like default directory for the user account. I am still unable to backup my configuration to the filezilla, getting the same error always which is “cannot find directory and permission denied ". Very soon I am going to post the detailed accurate error.
I need an assistance in this regard!
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I tried multiple FTP clients (FileZilla is my main one typically).I tried connecting to multiple FTP servers, but still nothing. I attempted to connect with no firewall,I opened ports etc. etc.
This is what I get —
Response: fzSftp started
Command: open "[email protected]" 22
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
Any suggestions would be great, as I'm out of solution right now
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Here is the problem, all indcations in my ADLS modem are ok. The modem configuration menu on my WAN shows IP acquired but I am not able to browse.
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I am trying to upload a file via ftp. My FTP client gives me "critical transfer error".
I also tried web based client,but it says iam over my disc quota but i am nowhere near to it.(It reflects in my DH control panel).
Anyone else facing this problem.
Please help
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I have a 512kbps speed of internet connection,but the downloading speed is very slow as 10 kbps all the time. How can I speed up my downloads? Please help me.
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The problem occurs when I tried to upload some .php files to server. I am using FileZilla and I am getting the following error message. But out of 500MB, C panel is used 4MB.
Response: 552 Disk full – please upload later Error: Critical file transfer error
Please help me to solve this. Thanks in advance.
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I am having a very slow internet connection. The speed is just 330Kbps which is really slow. But this is a plan from my ISP since this is what I can just afford to pay. My problem is when I am trying to download anything, the maximum speed is just 60Kbps only. And it sometimes drop to 20Kbps.
How do I speed my downloads up? Sorry, I'm no expert when it comes to stuff like these. So kindly explain the technical stuff. Thanks all!
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Hello expert,
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