Handhelds / PDAs
Lumia 610 is coming with built in NFC device
Is this secure enough that can be use for online payments?
Thank you
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Is it possible for viruses to be transferred to and android mobile device?
What are they and how can I avoid them?
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Can I download applications from Samsung galaxy and use it along with Android applications?
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Good day everyone.
I'm having a project and its a technology idea proposal. The technology that me and my team came up is somehow related to touch screen technology. I need some experts to explain me the concepts of touch screen gadgets.
Are the concepts the same in Touch screen mobile phones?
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I use nokia device and i am in need of locking software.Does my mobile supports the software. Any help would be appreciated.
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I bought a toshiba e740 pocket pc.I have a wireless internet in my home.But i am not able to connect as it gives error:unable to connect with current settings.pls resolve this.thanks in advance.
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When I receive mails on my Samsung Galaxy S2 phone, the mails do not show as content but in raw format with all headers/mime types.
What could be happening here? Please explain a solution to correct this situation. Thanks ahead.
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I have Samsung E2652 which is having 8 GB Micro SD card. The problem is there is Music Folder in the card and I am not able to delete the folder as it gives error message which displays that ‘it is not empty’.
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Can you give me a hand with my BlackBerry?
I got BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet running on the Adobe AIR platform. When I try to install it on a 64-bit Windows machine I get this message:
Win64 not supported
The author of the package you are installing did not include support for this platform
Is this an installer issue? The Simulator seems not to be 64-bit compatible installer for the SDK.
Thanks a lot!
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Hello girls and boys,
I need some help here. I run Application Loader on my BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator but it didn’t connect and I got the following long message:
The Application Loader could not connect to your BlackBerry® device. Try the following actions:
1. Disconnect your device and wait 10 seconds.
2. Turn off the Power Management settings on your computer from:
a. Control Panel > System.
b. On the Hardware tab, click Device Manager.
c. Expand Universal Serial Bus Controllers.
d. Right-click on USB Root Hub and select Properties.
e. Go to the Power Management tab.
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