Hardware Components

Hardware Components

A few days ago my optical drives including the software emulated ones disappeared from my computer.  New or existing drives fail on driver installation every time i uninstall and re install them.  No other type of hardware is affected only DVD/CD-ROm drives. included is a screen shot of my device manager. what could be the cause?

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Windows XP is operating system, All device is ok, but in a red alert a message appearing in task bar area some times.

A power is extended in USB port hub don't know how this message appear and for why?


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Many Computer contains a lot of data of hard disk. Its strongly recommended that every computer works as his processor speed. But in this step Over loaded hard disk is not matter for working computer. But I have a problem that have been suffering many times that hard disk drive is not working suddenly. After a lot of trying the result is zero, my all drive becomes un partitioned and also unallocated. Again I have created partitioned and again appearing this problem. How it was happened and how I will solve it?


strongly recommended that every computer works processor speed

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Hi there ,

My pen drive is new. It's can nice service in my computer. But now and then my pen drive have show abnormal behavior. Such as

when its use to another computer, there are not show full data. Really I am facing big problem. Not only that some folder is always

show but when that folder I click there are no information were found. In this circumstances what can I do ? Please give me a good



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I have a Gigabyte Global TV card gtptv-AV-Rh. It worked on windows XP without problems, but now when I installed Windows 7 I cannot run the installation. I heard that there is a great chance that it's not supported by windows 7. Is it true ? If I can not use this card in Windows 7 what TV card would be good?

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Is it possible to increase the number of available PCI slots on my computer?

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How  can you break BIOS  password or how many ways you can break BIOS password ?

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My system hard disk is not working properly from previous 1 month.

When I copy any song in my computer and then try to play it then it generates an error for me.

Also,when I generate any word, excel or access file in my system after some time when I try to open this file then some strange type of writing appear.

Then I buy one Window DVD from the market and try to install it but I am receiving below error can any one tell me what is meaning of this error?

Boot sector

Status: Bad

Backup boot sector

Status: OK

Sectors are not identical.

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From few days my system is not working properly when I start my system then I receive error that hard drive is not attached. Then I buy 1 window DVD from Market and try to install it when I am installing window then I want to delete portion of C drive but when I delete partition then I receive below error please tell me why I am receiving this error.

The disk cannot be partitioned because some file cannot be moved.

Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot

Camp Assistant again.

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Today my keyboard is not working properly. I buy new keyboard and replace with previous. I attach new keyboard with my CPU. This is dell keyboard then I restart my system but it is not working proper. Then I go in device manager and check it. All drivers are installed also keyboard is showing in device manager. But it is not working any one tell me its reason.

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