Hardware Components
Why it is necessary for a laptop to contain graphics cards ?
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Hey! I want to make an Ethernet cable for custom length size. I have already bought Cat 5e cables in bulk and RJ45 connectors. Now, can anybody help me by telling how to crimp RJ45 connector?
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I want to install a webiste on a server under an alternative port. But the port is closed may be due to firewall. How to check if a port is open?
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Everybody use circuit board at home for one or the other reason. It is risky to clean it because if we don't handle it properly than there can be some damages. How to clean a circuit board?
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Nowadays, the fax system is minimalized, and so I do not have a fax machine at my home. I suddenly got in a situation where I have to send the document through fax at any cost. How do I send a fax from my computer? Please provide solutions!
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I have a movie on my DVD. I have to give it to my friends. How can I copy a DVD to another DVD? What are the different methods?
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We use devices and come across them daily. Just take the example of a flash drive. But we hardly know how a flash drive works? Which part does it have?
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I have been through all the ratings and performance reviews of the components of my computer system. The thing that I didn’t completely understand is the Hard Disk Data Transfer Rate, and how does it affect the quality of a PC?
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Hi guys! I am trying to connect my home computer to television for a home theater experience but no luck! Having tried various means to do this, I found nothing useful. The last option in my mind is to get a Graphics card with HDMI port. Can anyone suggest some of them?
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Is there any distinguishing feature between a graphics card and video card, or they both are synonyms to each other? I have read on many sites that they both can fit in the place of each other, is this correct? If not, then compare Graphics card vs. Video card.
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