Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer

Hi there,

This error appears every time when I want to send an e-mail. I don’t know what could be the problem about security and timed out session it couldn’t be a problem because I am not leaving the PC and then send an e-mail. Can anyone help me to fix this error ? What is causing this and what are the security reasons ?

Thank you !


Your request couldn’t be completed.

This may have occurred for security reason or because your session timed out.


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Hi all,

Friends, all of sudden I am getting a weird error message in the computer while I am working with other applications. The error message states that it is an Ajax error. However, I do not have Ajax chat box now in the computer. How I can get an error of an application, which is not in the system? Very confused, please help me. Thanks a lot.

Windows Internet Explorer

Ajax error an error has occurred in an ajax request of the chatbox, please b report your admin


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Hi Tech folks,

I am getting a weird incomplete error message when I open Internet Explorer. I am not a technical person so finding very difficult to handle this situation. What I have to do now to stop this error? I tried to repair it but nothing works, do I need to reinstall? Please help to resolve this error.

Internet Explorer Script Error

An error has occurred in the script on this page





Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

Yes No

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When I try to download and install the hotbar in the computer, I ended up with an error message. The download went pretty good but the problem triggered, when the installation was almost to the end, it was like 99%. I used Windows Internet Explorer to download. The connection with the server was reset means; do I need to check the internet? Please help me to install, Thanks.

ndows Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer cannot download hotbar.exe from The connection with the server was reset


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Hi friends,

I get a message to restart the operating system after windows update. During the process Internet explorer is open, I got a warning message to close all the internet explorers before the windows restarts. What I have to do now? It gives me two options retry and cancel, which will be good to try. Please guide me to fix this. Thanks.


Reset IE Settings to Default…

There are currently one or more Internet Explorer windows open.

You must close down all Internet explorer windows before reset it to default.

Retry Cancel

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Hi Experts,

This is very tricky and challenging for me, got an error message ‘Cannot remove a CVS module which has module mappings’. Googled it there is no similar problem I can see in the forums. This made me even more desperate. So I am confused what to do next, hooked up with this error. Experts in this can guide me or help me to find the solution.

Can NOT remove a CVS module which has module mappings

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I installed new web browser chrome in my system yesterday without any issues. I am able to use it successfully; I loved the speed and protection. But the problem is, today I tried Internet explorer which is already in my system. When I startup it shows an unknown error, don’t know the exact reason behind this. Chrome created any problem? Not able to guess? Please guide me.

Unknown error.

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I have installed internet explorer 10 and I am facing the issue that I have not been able to access browsing history. That part is blank when ever I check. How can I enable browser to record all the browsing history for me? What if after enabling, the same problem occurs?

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I have set Google as my homepage on Internet Explorer. But recently when I open my browser I get the error shown below. Please assist.

There's been an error on our end. Please report error code #27

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I am having this issue while I have installed root certain Internet Explorer using Microsoft Certificate Server in Win2003 but got this annoying error message. How can I avoid this issue without having any issue. I extremely need your assistance to fix this issue ASAP. Please suggest me with a proper solution. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


SSLTLS error

You have not chosen to trust “ UTN-USERFirst-Network

Applications’’, the issuer of the server’s security certificate.

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