My IPad is behaving strangely. When I try to play on track it plays the one next to it. I'm sure I'm not clicking at the wrong place because I've tried it many times. And before this problem started the shuffle was not working.
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I wanted to know which one is better between iPad 2 and Android device as both are popular and available widely. I am really confused about the performance. That is why, I am seeking an advice from an expert.
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I was just wondering if it was at all possible to tether my motorola atrix (which has a 2gb data plan with at&t) to my apple ipad? I want to have access to the internet with my ipad when im not in wifi range.
Please let me know if there is any possible way to do this!
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I have an iPad2 and I wanted to transfer some images which are stored on my Pc to the device but I don't know how.
If you people here can help me explain the process or if I require any software to transfer.
Please tell in detail as I am
A novice in IT field.
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Hi, May I know whether the iPad keeps the streamed video (like YouTube) in its cache?
How can I watch them again without connecting to the internet?
Any software?
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I have a wifi router, the model is :Windstream Sagem 1704 . My iPad 2 isrunning 4.3.3and I find difficulty connecting to the internet. But with the same router I can connect to the internet at university.
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I purchased a new iPad2 2weeks ago.
I have a problem using its touch screen space bar.
I have to tap is twice or thrice or even harder for it to function.
How can I fix this problem?
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What is the most applicable Jailbreaker in any iPad and iPhone 4s on the new iOS 5.1?
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Will I be able to transfer MS Word Documents to iPad from an XP Machine and vice versa?
I was wondering whether a phone can be used as an external hard drive. The biggest advantage with Droid phone is that we will be able to download files and able to transfer them even without iTunes. Not all computers have iTunes where files can be easily transferred.
Thanks in advance.
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I am trying to update my iPad 2 to iOS 5.01 but I often receive an “Error 1631: iTunes was unable to search for updates for the network operator settings for your iPad. ” I searched online and found a solution which is to enable Data Roaming and Cellular Data on the Settings of my iPad which I instantly followed but still get the same message.
What should I do now?
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