How to open PDF using java code? I would like to know about opening PDF form in java created systems. Is there a way you can share or illustrate with me the proper coding technique? Tutorials will also help me a lot along the way.
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Hello friends,
How to create gui chatting java? I am practicing java programming language as well as building some graphical user interface for my chatting system. I would like to finalize the gui of my small chatting system that can carry 5 to 10 computers only. Can you give some suggestion? I am having a hard time about the gui.
Thanks and Regards,
Bryan James.
- 1 answers
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Hi All,
Can you give me tips to create java menu program? I am on the process of assigning a menu bar for my java game related to puzzle bubble. I would like a customize and creative green icon for my option bar that lets the player choose on what level to play: easy, hard or expert.
Thanks and have a nice day fellows.
- 2 answers
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Hi guys,

Warning – Form Loaded With Errors
- 2 answers
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Hi techyv,
There is an error with my download program java mobile china. I have a china mobile phone and wants to install java flash player plug in, however when installing the plug in it says about compatibility error. Is java flash player supported by china mobile phones?
Hoping for your help and kind consideration.
- 2 answers
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Hi to everyone,
How to build a Java GUI dashboard? The Java graphical user interface is not easy to deal with we have to undergo first training or study before making a new instance or creation. I want to create and build my own build a Java GUI dashboard; can you share some tips or possible experiences with Java?
Thank you.
- 2 answers
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Hi community.
I’m using sun's java standard edition 6 platform on vista with all updates on 32 bit, how to go for 64 + will I need to re-install all soft or can aced etc be switched to 64 anyway, found this error message:
An error has occurred during startup starting jSDN, any idea can be found?
- 1 answers
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Hello experts,
How much will I pay for hosting Java applications? I would like to know if how much is the cost for my Java applications to be hosted through the internet, I want it to be available for the world to see and use it. But what is the best hosting websites for Java applications?
Thank you.
- 2 answers
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Hello experts,
I encountered a problem regarding j2se upload file. j2se is a portable software and I need to upload some files regarding java gui or java graphical user interface. File not supported error message shows up, what can I do to fix the issue? I am using windows 7 operating system.
- 2 answers
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