

Can any one tell me, how do I refresh table using java language in desktop application?

Actually I made one application that take input from user and save into database.

But java table does not show new data which i inputted into database.

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Could anyone tell me, how do I send data to the server from the client?

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Very Strange Error In NetBeans.

I am Java Developer and also used many JAVA tools for example JDK, JRE and JDeveloper. But now I download NetBeans from internet and install it in my system. Now I want GUI (Graphical User Interface ) Form. For I this purpose I go to file menu and Select New and then Select one Category then select its type such as JFormDesigner Form and then click at Next Button but same window appear again. This is Very Strange and confusable error for me. Any one tells me its solution.


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In learning Java there are many places that needs critical thinking. I am in the process of learning the Java and confused about Linked list and array list. Could anyone tell me what are these and clear comparison how these differentiate with each other. Explain with examples if possible.

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I have written a java class to get all countries as follows. However, I need an optimized way of getting allcountries from a java library. Please suggest me a open source solution for this.

public class countries{


public static String[] WorldCountry=new String[]{"Abkhazia","Afghanistan","Akrotiri and Dhekelia","Åland Islands","Albania","Algeria","American Samoa","Andorra","Angola","Anguilla",

"Antigua and Barbuda","Argentina ","Armenia ","Aruba","Ascension Island",………………….



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I am a Java programmer and I have written a program to write Japanese letters in a file as below.

Charset cs = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

String PATH = "C:/tmp/test-file.htm" ;
String STR = "some Japanese text here…";

OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(PATH), cs);
osw.write( STR);

How can I view this using a text editor? What are the free editors support Unicode characters?

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Hi! I created one Java Web page and now I am trying to debug this page but I received below error.

I can’t understand the logic of this error.

Please tell me the solution and also tell me how can I remove this error?

Upload Portal Resource

Upload of resource “newTestST” complete. Please check the log at the following location for upload status:

            C:DOCUME ~ 1rharveyLOCALS ~ 1 Temp upload_siteTemplate_17289.log


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I am developing software projects now by Oracle Jdeveloper 11g.

I want to execute Jdeveloper for this purpose I double click at this icon but it shows error for me.

Due to this error I can’t continue my work.

Please tell me its solution.

Oracle JDeveloper 11g

            Unable to create an instance of the Java Virtual Machine

            Locate at path:

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I am Java Developer. I am using tomcat from previous 3 years at Window XP. Today I install window Server 2003 and try to install this program but I am receiving below error. Then I again install window xp and try to install this program but same error appears. Detail of Error is below.


Windows could not start the apache Tomcat 6 on Local Computer. For more information, review the system Event Log. If this is a non-Micorosoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 0.


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i have been using Samsung champ GT-C3303 for past six months.For  the first three monts i was not having any java problem when i opened any application.But for the past three months,java error has made my life miserable.When i try to download a new application on my phone, the application gets downloaded but does not  run  and " java error" message flashes and the application shuts down.i have tried this many times but met no success.

please provide me with the solution if any as soon as possible.

  • 2 answers
  • 6 votes

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