

I install Netbeans in my home it proper work but when I go to lab and try to use this program then I see error. Is this error due to network?  Why NetBeans don’t work in lab.

I explain complete detail of Lab in our lab there is one server and 80 clients machines when I install it at client machine then this error occurred.

Complete Error Detail

Network Problem

Cannot read NBM E:Program FilesNetBeans


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I installed JVM (Java Virtual Machine) in my system but I am receiving error that Java Virtual machine was not found. I try to search its solution from internet but I can’t find proper answer. Please tell me its solution.

Complete Error Detail


A java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations:


Javaw.exe in your current PATH.


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Hi Friends,

My OS is Windows-XP Service Pack-III. I recently installed Java (JDK1_2_2) to practice Java.

I created a file and save it as "" at bin folder and compiled it using the following command at command prompt :-


I have a warning message while compiling i.e. "Warning: JIT compiler "symcjit" not found.

Will use interpreter."

Please help me how can solve this problem.

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I am developing applications in Java and i use Eclipse platform to built applications in Java.

i created a form, registration form for my application and i want to apply form validation technique on that registration form. While I developing application in C# I use Regular Expressions and I don’t know how to do this in Java.

My registration Form is shown below.

Can anyone help me to solve this problem.



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I am using NetBeans and I am developing mobile applications in it today I write code in netbeans and try to compile it but I receive given error after I try other codes I receive same errors please tell me is this error due to Code or Software Problem or some other hardware Issue.


A exception has occurred. However, the system should continue working without further problems.

Click show Details for the stack trace.

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Hi dear,

I am using JSF (Java Server Faces) in NetBeans for web designing in Java, but today this error appears and due to this error netbeans closed after some time any have idea about this problem.

Due to this problem my lot of time waste.

Please provide me its appropriate solution.

Problem Occurred

Publishing to Jboss Application Server 4.2… (Time of error: October 22, 2007 4:55:36 EEST)


Some files were not removed from the server.

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Hi dear,

I am Mobile Application developer and Develop these application in Java and for this purpose I am using NetBeans because it is best platform for such type of work. But from few days I am feeling this problem any one tell me its proper solution.

Open Projectt

            One or more projects do not have the target server set properly.

            Right-Click the project in the Projects window and choose.

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I am having a problem with integrating Facebook like button with my website.

I have added Google +1 button with no problem, and when i try to add Facebook like button its taking space more than two line.

But i want to put it in a single line. Here is the code:


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Hi dear,

Need help about this problem.

NetBeans IDE Installer

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) was not found on this computer.

JDK 6 or JDK 5 is required for installing the NetBeans IDE. Make sure that the JDK is properly installed and run installer again. You can specify valid JDK location using -javahome installer argument.

  • 3 answers
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Hi dear,

I am doing work in Java for this purpose I use tool NetBeans but I receive this error in this tool please provide me help why this error appear.

Warning – Form Loaded With Errors

Error occurred in loading the form data. It is not recommended to use this form now in editable mode – data that could not be loaded would be lost after saving the form. Please go through the reported errors, try to fix them if possible, and open the form again. If you choose to open the form as View Only may see which beans are missing.

View only     Allow editing     Cancel

  • 5 answers
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