I have a very long number for example "54545455454545454555". And i want to add it with another long number like "7878787878788878787". But the problem is that the range of this number is so long and greater than the ranges of data types like int, double or float. Please tell me the method how to add these two numbers.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
You are going to write a small application (“”) .This application will help the election department to process the votes through the computer.
You will have the text file “polls.txt” containing the information/details of the number of Votes which each party have through out the country form different parts.
Your “polls.txt” will look like as shown below.
Note: 1. That information in the program is separated by TAB.
2. In the shown file(Fig 1) there are only ten reigns .Your file might have more than ten reigns.
3. The names of the parties are fixed.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
There are three different approaches in session tracking used in various technologies.
- Cookies
- URL Rewriting
- Hidden Fields.
And Java have provided with the session object,
You will explain the benefits of java session object over the above techniques.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
What are different Parts of an HTTP request? Explain each part.
- 4 answers
- 1 votes
Please tell me its detail related to Java
Differentiate between yield () and sleep () methods.
- 2 answers
- 1 votes
Differentiate between Unchecked & Checked Exceptions in Java. Please tell me its complete detail
- 3 answers
- 0 votes
You will present a comparison of java with C++.
In this comparison you will present the advantages of java over C++ and any draw back of Java against C++
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
The code given below is a Java code.
Find out that after the execution of the code the exception "array index out of bound" has occurred or not?
Also identify the mistakes in the program if any? And then write the correct program. ————————————————————— public class Excep { public static void main(String [] arr) { try { try { int array[]=new int[20]; array[100]=5; } finally { System.out.println("In Finally BLock.."); } System.out.println("Outside Finally Block.."); } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException EX) { System.out.println("In Catch Block…"); } System.out.println("Exiting…"); } }
- 3 answers
- 0 votes
Guide me how can I make jar file in Java.
Take 2 classes (Assignment_2. class and Voter.class ) and tell me how can I make jar file from these two classes Using Command Prompt.
Please give me its screen shots or provide me some video tutorial so that I can understand its concept easily.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
There is a question running in my mind today and I want to find answers and I hope someone could help me. I have seen a GPS software for mobile phones that enables them to track their location anywhere in the globe. I've been curious about this technology and (if possible) want to make one for myself.
Most of the GPS software I found was developed using Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME). The question is how would do this?
Where do I start?
What do I need?
I would appreciate all ideas so please help me with this one.
- 2 answers
- 1 votes