


Hello, My friend created different lotus notes by using Autolt version He asked me how to create line script lotus notes by using that software. Please can you guide me to do this work?

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I'm trying to create a web based general ledger for multiple accounts using mysql query but keeps on producing only one account.  Do I have to switch off javascript?  Need urgent help in creating general ledger use php javascript.

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I need JavaScript coding for a dynamic generated text box that will dynamically generate textboxes according to user input in the text box, if he/she enters the value as 6 in a text box the coding should generate 6 text boxes.

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Hi All

I am new to Java Script. I was trying to place a banner with java code on website. I tried a lot but in vain. Somebody please help me in this quest. Please tell me how to do and what codes to be used.

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Hi Experts,

I want to create a ping in Java script. I want it to display the time it takes to reach server. Can somebody write the code for Javascript ping time ?

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Dear Experts,

I have learnt few codes of HTML. Just for the practice I am trying to save and run HTML code in notepad.

But when I save and run it, it opens in text format again.

Can anyone tell me how to save and run a html code?

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Dear Guys, I need a sample script for changing the color of Java custom scrollbox.

Please do the needful.

Thanks and Regards, Morison

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Dear All,

I have created a webpage. I want the time and date be displayed with image whenever I upload an image to this site. Can anyone tell me html javascript image timestamp code to be used ?

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How can I add a dropdown menu in javascript country city list into HTML?

I'm also having problems on how to insert the countries dynamically in the script.

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Hi programmers,

I am developing games using Java. I need some sounds and voices for it. I am looking for best audio library java . Please help me out to find the best library. Or you have used some Audio library for such type of purpose, then Please share it with me. It would me a great pleasure for me.

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