Lotus Notes
I am working with some database files in Lotus Notes with the latest updates of Lotus Notes installed. I am experiencing a problem when I try to email the files to some people. The error appears that "Illegal Circular Use : DocExp Processing". How can I fix the error? Is it some problem with the database files that I am trying to send?
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
During the install of Lotus this error appeared. I have the good installer and is compatible with my Windows XP. I tried different installers from many sources and nothing seems to work. Can anyone help me please to fix this ? How can I install Lotus ?
Thanks experts !
IBM Louts Forms viewer – An Error Has Occurred
An Error Has Occurred………
The system cannot find the file specified.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I have this error when I want to install this program. I’ve closed all the programs that the error says and is not working at all. I even rebooted my PC hoping that the programs will close automatically, same result. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ?
Thanks !
Lotus Notes/Domino or a Notes/Domino related process is still running. Please close it before pressing OK to continue.
OK Cancel
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hello experts,
When I try to configure a client in IBM Lotus I have this error message. I don’t know what I did wrong because I followed the standard steps for a good configuration. Can anyone help me to make the good configuration ?
Thank you !
IBM Lotus Notes
The requested item does not exist
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi there,
This is the error that showed up after I closed up Lotus Notes. I don’t know if I should be worried but I would like to prevent. I don’t know what caused this because I didn’t make any changes in the program or the system. Does anyone have any idea about this error ? Should I be worried ?
Thank you !
JVM terminated. Exit code=160
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While I was working in IBM Notes this error appeared suddenly and I had to close the program and open it again. It started to be an error very annoying and I would like to get rid of it. Can anyone help me please to fix this one ? What is causing this error ?
Thanks !
Notes 9
An error has occurred in an IBM Notes application.
Data about the error is being collected for you company’s help desk for use in error analysis.
The IBM Notes application will close when data collection is complete. Please wait.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi there,
During the install of Lotus Notes this error appeared. I have the good installer and is compatible with my Windows XP. I tried different installers from many sources and nothing seems to work. Can anyone help me please to fix this ? How can I install Lotus Notes ?
Thanks !
Lotus Notes 8.5.3
The launcher failed with an error. Refer to AppDataLocalTemprcplauncher.log for more information.
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Suddenly this error appeared while I was writing something in Lotus. I think I might lost everything because I cannot open the program anymore, every time this error appears and the reinstall is not helping. What cause this error ? How can I solve this one ?
Thanks !
Lotus Notes has been restarted after an error
A diagnostic report of this error has been created.
Please send this report to your administrator
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It seems like my account in Lotus Notes is used elsewhere. I’m not logged nowhere and I don’t know why this error appears. Can anyone help me please to fix this ? How can I log in or log out ?
Thank you !
The ID File is in use elsewhere and cannot be modified
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Automatically forward my emails from Lotus notes to my Gmail id's
Can i know the steps needed to configure to forward mails automatically to my Gmail please
- 1 answers
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