Mice / Keyboards
Does anyone have an idea on how to configure the speed of the mouse arrow in X3: TC? Is the mouse arrow sensitivity set, or can it be changed and set to be more sensitive? I find it very slow and passes through the menus rather slow. Sorry if this has been done before, I am trying to find the solution to this and I hope this forum can help. Thanks.
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I am running Windows XP Professional SP3. I am receiving error message stating that: “Windows cannot detect your keyboard press f1 to retry or f2 to cancel. ” It seems that my Phoenix BIOS and ASUS MOBO cannot detect my PS/2 keyboard. Because when I tried the new keyboard on other PC, it was working fine. How can I fix this kind of error?
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Hi There
I have a general problem. It is keyboard problem for me. I cannot write anything.
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Hi Friends,
When i turn off and turn on my PC I've to change again in mouse pointers so i want to keep my own animation cursors on mouse pointers so is there anyone can help me in that please.
Thanks, Moth Gina
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A few hours ago my friend called to seek help from me because his machine couldn’t run a certain program. He received this error message, Application error (0x0000153). “This particular application you want to run cannot run well”. Note this message is a translation from Turkish.
DKKeyboardStat.exe – Uygulama Hatasi
Uygulama duzgun olarak basIayamadi (0xc0000l35). Sonlandirmak icin TAMAM dugmesini tiklatin.
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Can you tell me where a Brazilian ‘abnt2’ keyboard layout for my vostro will be available ? I have tried but was not successful finding any information.
Looking forward,
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While typing, suddenly the cursor jumps me to a random place on the screen. It actually did it here, when I typed the Title, the last 5 keys of keyboard jumped down to the Question box.
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As my mouse does not work with X, what should I do and why does it happen? I ran and configured X in my computer.
Again, what happened was that, I got an error, “KDENABIO Failed” and “Operation not Permitted.”
This happens every time I start to encode in my computer. Can anyone please help me on this irritating problem?
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What could be the feedback of users, if a free version of an android app. is available after selling its paid version? Which one is preferred – Smart keyboard PRO or Swiftkey X keyboard ? If an app. is available to be sold on android market, how will be the revenue split-up?
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I would like to know about the advantages and disadvantages of primary key, foreign key and unique key. Is it possible to use two null values in unique key?
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