Microsoft Office
What is the shortcut key to open the Open dialog box?
- 2 answers
- 1 votes
I cannot use Microsoft Equation Editor on MS Word, when I start it, it displays this error message (see image below). I have installed the complete version of MS Office but I can't see why this component does not work.
Should I re-install the application?
Has anybody met such problem before?
Cet object a ete cree dans Equations. Cette application n'est pas disponible pour ouvrir cet object.
Verifiez que l'application est correctment installee et qu'elle n'a ete ni supprimee, ni deplacee ni renommee.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Can we change document save location?
Write down the steps on how to change document save location.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
How can you highlight text without using the mouse? What is the paragraph keyboard shortcut?
- 2 answers
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The red wavy underline in MS Word document Indicates what?
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What is the keyboard shortcut of cut, copy and paste in any document? What is the word if we open MS Word by using the RUN option?
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What is the function of "undo" command?
When do we use the "undo" command?
- 3 answers
- 1 votes
How do I insert an Excel file on Word document? I am preparing a Word document. I do have some Excel files as well which I want to paste in Word document and want those to get that Excel file pen when user click the file icon.
- 3 answers
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Hey guys,
I created an XML spreadsheet in Excel last night at home. When I open this file on my work computer, I get an error.
When I click the OK button on the error message window, the file opens fine.
At home, I use Windows XP / Excel 2003 and at work I use Windows 2007 / Excel 2007.
Could this be some kind of version incompatibility issue?
See error screenshot below:
There was a problem sending the command to the program.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
I have recently installed Microsoft Excel 2003 on Ubuntu Linux using wine package.
Every time I start Excel I have an error message about network connection that disappears when I click 'OK '.
Anything wrong with my installation?
Thank you very much for your help.
Microsoft Visual Basic
Erreur d'acces de fichier. La connexion reseau a peut-etre ete perdue.
- 1 answers
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