Misc Databases

Misc Databases

Hi friends

Iam new to Mongo Database. I have worked with MySQL before. In MySQL we can export database easily. I want to know in Mongo Database is there any option to export database easily.




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Experts needed:

I was trying to create a new database connection in Crystal Reports using the wizard and failed to receive an error message about Java Server startup failure. 

I checked that path associated to the file, and it seemed okay. 

So, I was wondering what was still missing. 

Can anyone please help? 

Thank you in advance.

Crystal Reports Activex Designer

Invalid Argument provided.

Details: Java Server startup failure, Please verify the PATH,CLASSPATH and IORFilelLocation properties in the INI file.

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Hi all, I' m using Nokia N73. I've lost a MP4 video from my memory card of 4 GB. But i want this video back. I've tried personal but i can't do this.

So i need some help for this issue.

Thanks a lot.

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When I am trying to connect to a SQLite3 db on the Data Sources I get the following error: 

I have checked that the db file has no errors via Firefox SQL Lite Manager. 

I really need to find a solution for this problem.

Please help me.



 3 of 3 tables were loaded.

 The following errors were encountered:

 Table: SCHEMA_MIGRATIONS    java.sql.SQLException: not yet implemented at org.sqlite.MetaData.getImportedKeys(MetaData.java:503)

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Hi friends , why use of surrogate key instead of using primary key , can anyone explain me with some simple examples

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I want to create a database of with classes and some coding and with a simple intelligence. How do I choose the best database management system software?

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I wanted to install dolibar in my PC. I entered the required installation information and I tried to start. That’s the time when I got this message which reads:

“Access denied for user 'gb_dolibar'@'' to database 'db_dolibar'”

What am I expected to do. Post answers, please. Thank you.

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I need someone to guide me on how to change a certain demand report into a source physical file since I have been informed that only database tables or source physical files are the only type that can be sent to I series. It is important that I transfer this report to excel. Apart from using Client Access Data Transfer is there any other program that I might use and what command should I use to change the saved report into a source file? Please help.             

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 I am using Windows XP Professional with Microsoft Works 6.0. Two times I have seen one of my databases (Saved as "name.wdb") disappeared and renamed WK38XXXX and WK381298 "file" as an alternative as a works database (WDB).

When I am going to "open with" Microsoft Works it opens and lets me to save again as a WDB file. But I am afraid that I am heading for mislay my database. I get no warning or notice about this occurrence.

Need to know about its reason and how to avoid it?

Thanks in advance.

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I am using SQL server.  When I logged in on the ArcSDE service, I receive this error.
Error: SQL Server – Error starting esri_sde service -93 DBMS error code: 18456
Please tell me the solution.
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