Misc Databases
When I try to import an organization into CRM, an error message pop up window occurs unexpectedly which you can see in the below attached image. How can I resolve this issue? Any idea. Please help me.
Import Organization Wizard
At least the setup user needs to be mapped before this organization can be imported.
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A few days ago I installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. But from now I am not able to continue working on it due to this error which you can see at below attached image. Does anybody's idea what is this and how can I remove this? I need your assistance. Thanks in advance
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Invalid value for cell (row1, column 3)
The changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid.
.Net framework Data Type: Int64
Error message: Input string was not in correct format.
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I try to use different browsers e.g. Foxfire, Google Chrome, Windows Internet Explorer, etc. to play Drakensang Online game but the game could not be loaded. I am very frustrated because whenever I click ‘Play’, the error message appears every time. I try to clean up the DSO client files repeatedly however the error still continues to appear.
Could any master advise what I shall do to fix this error?
Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Have a good day.
Application: Drakensang Online Client
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Hello TechyV Expert Community!
I have a problem about databases. I need to know what code I need to know and use to run my program (VB6) with database access on 2 or 5 Computer through LAN.
But when I run my program on another computer the error comes out. So here is my question, is there a way to solve this problem?
How can I run properly mdb database with LAN and VB6 Connected? Any comments and solution would be nice.
Thank you and have a good day.
George Ppercy
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I am automating the export process. But I see cases where the export is successful, but not complete.
I have seen sqlite exporting model error message to check the log file.
Can we check for the errors after exporting model?
Thanks in advance for your response.
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Hi TechyV IT experts community! Recently, I searched the internet for a database exporter to CSV File. Also I ask my friend if she knew any software like that. And she told me to try this software called Tecdoc DAT export. But I forgot to ask her how does it works. Now experts, how this software works? Is it user-friendly? Where can I download it? Any comments and solutions would be nice. Thanks and good day!
Marsh Apdorsey
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Hi there. Is there an Adobe Flash Player public database where I can report an error log? Flash content always crashes on my Adobe Flash Player 11. I have already updated the latest software and Flash still crashes. Please help. Thanks.
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Hello Good morning, I have a problem with file that are Dxf objects database. In specific location as marked on the drawing, the objects are shifted from the true position by about 50cm on the display screen. The coordinates are plotted correctly. Other objects are shown in their true position. Can someone help me with this problem.
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Hi Everyone
I am a beginner and I want to learn database technology. Therefore, I have decided to learn Erwin data modelling.I am looking for video tutorials, PowerPoint presentations, ebooks, articles, notes or anything which helps me learn Erwin data modeling.
Someone please share the right information for Erwin data model for calendar.
I will be glad to get your help.
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I hope to compare some database software reviews to include some of the best top picks on a website we are creating.
It would be great if the information included how to look for the best databases. Is there some trustworthy review on database software top ten available?
Can anyone point me to some good reviews to consider?
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