Misc Databases
I have worked with different type of database earlier I used to save my data in a different format now I wanted to import data into msde format can you give some solution over it ?
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How to create a sample MS access database? I have the Microsoft Access 2010 version and I want to familiarize myself in managing existing database from older server then publish to MS SharePoint.
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How to create a relational database using open office base version 3.1.1 ? I'm creating a relational database for a team of small number of people. Please tell me how to create an open office relational database which is fast and easy to configure.
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I am using a remote server database software. This software is shared by multiple users at a time. Sometimess I see “ODBC Failed” an error and immediately it stopped working. Can anyone have any idea reading how to get rid of it?
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I am getting the below error when I try to select a 2012 as a new financial year. The accountant has to perform a rollover in 2011 December but he didn’t so when I tried to have the 2012 reports displayed, I got this message that the date must fall within the current financial year. Please help me resolve this?
You may not move your financial year more than 12 months.
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I'm using Open Office ooBase 3.2.1 database on my Windows 7 64 bit PC. Is there a way for OpenOffice Base window size to remember the size that I last used? As it is, everytime I make a new document, ooBase uses its own window size.
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Hi friends,
I am learning Misc databases and their conversions. I want to convert the excel tables into mdb, can anyone provide me the online material for learning how to get complete information of how to import xls data to mdb.
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I'm a windows 7 ultimate user. I need a SQL soccer database model and help to understand it. I am eager create a new SQL database for a soccer league but I have a very little idea about it. Urgent help will be highly appreciated.
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What are the basic features of oo base accounting system? How can we compare oo base accounting system with the likes of Ms-Access? What are the disadvantages of using oo base accounting system?
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I am trying to build a real estate database and I'd like to see some examples to at least have a guide on how to do it, however those I find in Google are very limited. Will anyone please direct me to a website where I can get real estate database examples?
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