Misc Hardware
Hi, recently I have owned a new Google Nexus 5 phones. The phone is really awesome. I liked it so much in all aspects. But the only issue is with charging. It is charging damn slow and sometimes it is not at all charging properly. Anybody faced the same kind of issue? Can somebody help me out to resolve this problem? Thanks!
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My tablet is a Fujitsu K704 that came with Win 8.1. The front camera does not seem to function properly. I used different apps compatible with Win 8.1 and it gave me the same problems. The picture lags and the resolution is too low. The driver was installed properly. Any ideas?
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My HP slate is 7 having a problem. The only way I can make it work is to use headphones. It has been like this for weeks now. I tried plugging and unplugging the headphones countless times but it did not work. Is it stuck in headphone mode? I am getting a little frustrated. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Hello there,
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I have this funny issue with my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014, I have a 32 GB Micro SD card which I am using with my Note and I have noticed before I bought this card, booting was quick, but now the note takes too long to boot, sometimes am being forced to remove the card to allow the Note to boot, what could be the problem? How do I solve this?
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Hi there,
I have been looking for Bluetooth keyboards for my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 with no success, I have tried all compatible one but they keep on disconnecting now and then which makes it difficulty to work with this device, What could be the problem? How do I get the keyboards working okay?
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I have Samsung Galaxy S4 which is not charging unless the battery is entirely flat, when I try plugging it to its charger, the battery icon does not change to indicate charging, the LED indicators does not go on, USB charging on my Dell Latitude laptop is working fine, what could be the problem? how do I get the AC charger working before the battery is flat?
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I want to connect a pair of bluetooth printer but all my com ports are assigned, to my dismay. Now please tell me if there is any way to reset the com ports of Windows Mobile. Thanks.
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Hi there,
I have a LG G2 Smartphone which looses sensitivity when I connect it with my Computer, the screen becomes unresponsive and am forced to disconnect it for it to start functioning again correctly, I cannot text or answer a call when hooked to a PC, what could be the problem with my phone and how can i solve it?
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Hi there,
I have a LG G2 phone and am experiencing problems when making calls, if the device touches my ear, it is putting the call on hold, the proximity sensor is supposed to switch the screen off whenever am on a call and the device is very close to my ear, is there any way I can correct this?
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