Misc Security
Can you help me connect to splunk? I tried to configure splunk and connect to the splunkbase using the proxy from my environment. However, when I try to connect to the splunkbase it did not work.
Could anyone help me?
I'm confused.
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Does anyone have ideas on how to reset Active Directory passwords using a web-based utility? I am looking for something similar to Specops and Namescape that will walk the user through the password reset process. This should also be accessible 24 hours a day.
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Please elaborate on the security issues that can be caused in a multitasking or time-sharing environment when more than one user is using the system at the same time?
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I would like to know the reason behind using a Salt Value with the user password. In addition, please clarify how it is used in the encrypted value and where it is stored?
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I want to know about on line banking. Is it always safe? Please help
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I would like to know which level of RAID uses the same harming encoding method in checking the correctness of disk data error correcting memory (ECC)? If I am going to choose level 2 does it serves the purpose? If yes, why and if not, please give me some ideas on how to choose it? Thank you so much.
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What is the importance of Need to Know Principle in the protection of the system? Is there a need that all network users should adhere to this principle? Why? What are some consequences if ever users will not adopt or adhere to this principle? Please explain it in details, thank you.
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Anyone can give me the comparison between symmetric and asymmetric encryption and decryption technique scheme. Please discuss also if this can cause the beast in the data security, when this will be distributed to the system and to the web server. Please discuss it thoroughly for I need to be clarified. Thank you.
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Anyone know about the Best Norton Antivirus?
please send me Link of Norton Antivirus?
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In the biometric concepts and software installation process of computing, I came across a concept that was unfamiliar to me when I was installing the software in our company premises. It was the zoo concept. As I went on to research, I found out that it is a concept that can be applied in the entire process in the biometric setting of the computer machines and also be used in the settings. I wanted to find out how this zoo concept can be used in setting the variable matching threshold to enable me to fully install these applications in all the laptops and PCs at my disposal, via the security log-in machine.
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