Misc Software
Hi Ally,
A work a lot with Virtual Dub, but now I am facing a problem. When I try to append one .avi file to another .avi file, I ended up with an error message. How to append a file in Virtual Dub? I have been spending time in the internet to search for a solution. Please explain me in detail. Your help is great. Thanks.
VirtualDub Error
Cannot append segment “C:UsersDesktopdisc 2VTS_01_8.avi”:
The audio steams have incompatible data formats.
(Mismatch detected in opaque codec data at byte 18 of the format data.)
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I am getting a weird error message when I try to start the Avid Pro tool in the computer. Previously it was working without any problem, but now I am getting an error message all of sudden. I have not made any major change; I changed the anti-virus software in the computer. How do I fix the error? Do I need to re-install the Avid? Please help me, thanks.
The application failed to initialize properly (0x0c0000142). Click OK to terminate the application.
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Hello Pro,
When I try to install DAZ Studio in the Windows operating system, I ended up with an error message. Download was good without any problem and the installation went almost to the end but all of a sudden I got an unknown error message. I got this error while it trying to unpack the files, means the dll file is corrupted. How do I fix the corrupted dll file? Help please. Thanks.
There has been an error. Unknown error unpacking file C:/Program/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio44/DzCore.dll The application will next now.
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When I try to open a project in Adobe Premiere Pro, I ended up with an error message. If I hit the continue button it stops working and closes the program. I tried to open this project several time but I am getting this error message. How to debug? Any solution for this problem, your help is great. Thanks.
Premiere Pro has encountered an error. [….SrcWinWinpathUtils.cpp-427]
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Hi all,
I used to read a lot with Adobe reader, I have files in Adobe. I used to copy some important lines for reference. But when I try to copy I get the following error message. This error appears only after two or three copy functions. How to find the root cause of this error? Really I am in help. I am not a technical person, please assist me solve this problem. Thanks in advance.
Adobe Reader
There was an error while coping to the Clipboard. An internal error occurred.
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Hi there,
I am facing this problem again and again, when I try to open a PDF file from the web browser. I am using the Chrome web browser, Windows 8 operating system and AVG antivirus. Do I need to change the settings in the browser? Is the problem is related to the configuration? Totally blank, please help me to resolve this error and to find solutions. Thanks a lot.
Acrobat plug-in.
The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is running cannot be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser. Please exit Adobe Acrobat/Reader and exit your Web Browser and try again.
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Hi folks,
When I try to run the Flash movie which is one of my favorite, I used to watch it once in a while without any problem. But now I have some difficultly in watching, I get an error message. Nothing related to internet everything is locally located. But still why I am getting this error? Please explain in detail. Thanks in advance.
Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.
The following local application on your computer or network:
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Hello there,
I am getting an error message when I am trying to drag an image control to a wpf form in Visual studio 2010. I do not understand why I am getting this error. I never experienced this kind of error on 2008 version. Is this a bug? Do I need to change any settings in the properties? Someone could help me to solve this error. Thanks for your help.
Upload Failed: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed.
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When I am attempting to change the photo image or use the Adobe reset in develop module I stuck up with an error message. Then I click ok button in the window, the photo image is not reset. I tried with all different kinds of images but nothing happens. Is this a bug? Is there any problem with the installation? Help please. Thanks.
An internal error has occurred: ?:0: stack overfow
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Hey friends,
I am facing a terrible problem when I uninstall an application in the computer. The problem triggered when I try to uninstall the MP3 converter, I was stuck up with an error message. I am not able to uninstall it completely. Please help me. Your help is great. Thanks in advance.
Unable to completely uninstall application.
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